Chapter 4

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Boom, Boom, Boom the front door bangs. We all look at one another. "Who could that be? We are all here." I asked, looking around at the girls. They shrugged their shoulders and looked completely lost. I slowly made my way to the front door with the other three trailing right behind me. I have seen too many horror flicks not to be scared. I grab the bat my mother keeps next to the front door and grip it snuggly in my right hand as I peer out the peephole. What I saw out that peephole caused me to drop my bat in shock and back up 3 feet from the door in horror and disbelief. Stammering and stuttering, I could barely form the words. "Its, uh, I, I um, its" I started as tears welled up in my eyes. The other three were too scared to look. I couldn't find the words I needed to tell them what was out there as whoever it was knocked again. They stared at me in disbelief and the questions were just flowing, who is it, answer the door, will you talk to us. "There is no one there." I finally manage to spit out. Not believing me, Addi walked up to the peephole just as another knock came and she turned around white as a sheet and nodded her head in agreement. "Bullshit!" Nina says as she pulls open the door and a breeze rushes past the rest of us as we all scream. 

Standing on the other side of the door is Declan and his goons laughing their asses off. "Looks like we got 'em good? Huh Declan?" Blaze says. "Oh, not funny you asshole. What the hell are you doing here? Better yet, how did you know where I lived?" I screamed at Declan. Then I glance sideways at Garrett, his face turning a deep shade of red. Of course, he told him. I could feel that heat bubbling up on the inside of my body as I started to get angry then I felt Nina's hand on my arm and it was gone almost as if she doused my fire. So strange. 

"Listen, I know we don't get along but there is something pretty urgent I need to talk to you about. So are you going to invite me in?" Declan stammers almost looking nervous. "Um, absolutely not. I don't even like you, why would I want you in my house?" I said glaring at him. I mean the nerve of this asshole to come to my house and ask to be let in. "Whatever you have to say you can say it here!" I yelled. I looked up at him as I said it and he turned red in the face and said, "I really would like to talk to you in private if you don't mind?" He stammered. Shrugging my shoulders I motion for him and his goons to enter the house. The girls showed the others to the den, I offered them a soda and escorted Declan into the library down the hall from the den. 

I walked around my mom's desk and sat down and motioned for him to sit. He sat down and sighed. Did he actually just sigh, I thought to myself. I looked at him in shock and disbelief and said, "What do you want Declan? You are kinda ruining girls' night you know?" "Um, yeah. So, I wanna talk to you about something that happened today and I need to know if it was true?" He said. At this point I was so confused I had no clue what it could possibly be. "Ok, if I have answers I will tell you what I can, but I don't know if I will know." I said. I was looking at him like he was an alien. He looked up at me and said, "Ok, what I am about to say to you might sound odd or even scary but I need to know if you felt or heard it too." he started, my interest peaked I looked at him and said, "Continue." 

"Ok, in science today, I had this feeling overwhelm me, I was going to pick on you like I normally do but I heard in my head this voice boom, NO!!! At the same time you looked at me and I thought maybe you heard it too. Then all day I had this odd sensation that someone was watching me. Did you have anything weird happen to you today?" He asked. I don't know if I should tell him or not about all the odd stuff happening to me today as he seemed genuinely concerned. I opened my mouth to answer him and heard a voice in my head yell, "Stop!! DO NOT TELL HIM ANYTHING!" I nearly jumped out of my chair. I stood up immediately and said, "No, Declan nothing weird happened to me today. Are you ok? Maybe you should go get your head checked." I said giggling. 

He glared at me. Stood up and stormed toward the den. Yelled at his boys and headed out the front door looking back at me a scared look in his eyes yelled, "Fine, suit yourself. Listen bitch, I don't know what you did to my girlfriend but keep your ass away from her." He started. I could feel the heat building back up in my hands working its way up my arms. I started to shake, how dare he come here and yell at me. I am going to beat him within an inch of his life. "Now you listen here, Douche..." I yelled taking a step toward him when I felt that cooling sensation running down my arm again, I looked over and Nina had her hand on my shoulder. She looks over at her brother, who looked down at his feet and says..."Get him out of here before it gets ugly." Garrett grabs Declan's shoulder and says "Come on, let's go said what you needed to say." I am staring Declan straight in the eye, hatred coursing through my veins, when I swear I watched his eyes turn gold and faster than I could blink, they were back to the same brilliant green mine were. "Fine," He puffed out in exasperation, "but this is far from over." I just smiled ever so sweetly and waved bye bye at him as I shut my door, with a gut feeling that this would not be the last we saw of him this weekend. 

"Ugh!" I huff out as I turn from the door and walk past the girls to the foyer where we set up camp for the night. Slamming my body down onto the cushions on the floor I wrap my arms around my head and sit there trying to decide if I was going to cry or just get so angry. I opted for the tears. I can not understand what was happening tome and why all the sudden I was so super emotional. Frustrated, I threw my arms in the air and let out a blood curdling scream, scaring the hell out of the girls who had circled around me. "Goodness Raven!! You scared us to death...." Gabi said, startled. "Are you ok hon?" Nina said shakily. I looked around at them and just burst outlaughing..."Oh guys I am so sorry. I don't know what is happening to me." I said between racks of laughter. "I am just so angry at that boy. I mean the nerve of him coming here and telling ME of all people what to do. Please, little man. I will mess you up. You are messing with the wrong girls. Am I right?"

 I asked the girls, who by now were all laughing and shaking their heads in unison. When there was another knock at the door. I jumped up and ran to the door, expecting it to be Douche and his cronies again. Jerking the door open I screamed..."NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" scaring the holy living shit out of the pizza delivery boy standing there. My face instantly turned red and I started apologizing profusely. "Oh, no I am sorry. I thought you were someone else. Oh no. Oh I am so so sorry." I muttered as he was handing me my pizzas and looking at me like I was crazy. I grabbed the receipt I wrote in a very generous tip and handed it back. His eyes lit up and he said "Absolutely not a problem, you can yell at me whenever you want to." He said running back to his car. I was mortified. I walked slowly back into the foyer where my girls were laughing hysterically. "Oh Raven, how embarrassing for you. That had to have sucked so bad." Addison said between gulps of air. I sat the pizza down on the table and walked out of the room to go grab plates and pop for everyone. "Oh Rave don't be mad, we are just playing!" Nina yelled after me. I got back with the stuff from the kitchen and looked at my group of friends, tears streaming down their faces from laughter. And remember that this is the reason I love them. "It's fine I would have laughed too. I was so embarrassed. That poor kid will remember that for the rest of his life. Good thing I tipped him 50 bucks." I said giggling .Two uneventful hours later, pizza is demolished and the credits to our favorite movie Practical Magic, are flowing up the T.V. screen and Nina looks at us and claps her hands together and says..."Ok girls grab your jackets, you are in for a long long night."

"Wait!" I said. "There is something I need to talk about. It has to do with the real reason Declan came here tonight." I looked around at my girls who dropped everything they had and circled around my feet looking at me with huge curious eyes. "Remember all the crazy stuff I told you about that happened in science, the big booming voice, the feeling something was off all day?" They all shook their heads yes in unison. "Well," I continued, " It happened to Declan too, but differently. His voice told him to leave me alone. Isn't that weird?" I asked. Nina got all quiet and looked at me and said, "Just when this night couldn't get any better! We will figure this out, Rave! But for now, LETS GO BITCHES!!!!"Squeals of excitement burst out in the air as we all rushed to grab our coats, identification and more soda. We take off out the door, I scream shotgun as I turn to lock the front door. I turn back around as I see Nina get into the front seat..."Hey I called shotgun!" I said. She looked at me and replied. "I need to be up here so Gabs knows where we are going." She said triumphantly. Gabi turned and looked at Nina and said the best thing I had heard all night. "Driver picks the music, passenger shuts her cakehole." I laughed so hard I was crying.  Thank you Sam and Dean for that little nugget of goodness.

Because, Nina is notorious for listening to one cd and one cd only during her crazy plans. Some random music from a tribe in South America, she claims it gets her in the mood she needs to be in for these excursions. Meanwhile the rest of us hate it. But not tonight, tonight our music will be a little Five Finger Death Punch and Black Veil Brides. And I know I couldn't be happier. But we had no clue what really was in store for us tonight and how our lives would be changed forever in the days to come.

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