Chapter 3

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I blinked twice, shook my head, and noticed that the red is fading and just like that they are green again. "What in the actual fuck!" I exclaim. The girls run to me as I collapse into a balloon the floor, What is really happening to me. "I told you guys something strange was happening to me!" I say to the girls as they still have their arms wrapped around me. I was shaking uncontrollably and really needed to go home. I hear Nina on get her phone out and start talking, "Regina, Hi it's Nina, yes ma'am we are all planning on staying this weekend. Yes, uh huh, I understand no parties. No, that is not why I am calling. I think you need to call Rave out for the rest of the day. Is she sick? No, she has been bullied all day by Declan and all his goons and now their girlfriends in the locker room. Classes? The only classes she has left are PE, Study Hall and Chorus. Ok Good thanks!" she exclaimed as she hung up. "Did you just call my mother?" I said looking at her in disbelief. "Yep, we all called our mothers, and we all are being called out." Nina said. How did I not hear the others? What was going on? I was so confused as the PE teacher walked into the locker room with 4 green slips telling us to go to the office. 

We gathered our crap up and walked quickly and quietly to the front office where Ms. Louxen told us that our mom's called and we needed to be excused the rest of the day for a family issue. Muttering under her breath she said, "How all of you have a family issue all at the same time is beyond me." Giggling, we ran out of the office straight to the parking lot. Nina and I in my car and Gabi and Addi in the other. Before we got into our respective cars we made a decision to stop at the Piggly Wiggly and grab provisions for tonight and then Nina wanted to stop at the Occult store she frequents down in the French Quarter also. And just like that we were off for what we thought would be an amazingly fun weekend. We were so wrong. 

We get to the Piggly Wiggly and pile out of the cars trying to figure out who is paying for what tonight. "I will get it all, I have mom's debit card and she told me to go crazy. Something about a big bonus at work." Gabi said. We walked around the store grabbing soda, and candy and decided to make a big pot of puke dip, and needed chips as well. We were probably going to order either Tacos or Pizza for a main dish though. As we round the corner to the chip aisle I get that feeling of overwhelming dread I had in the first period. I look around me and it's just me and my girls. "I don't understand it, do any of you guys feel uneasy or like something bad is going to happen?" I ask the girls. They just look at me and shake their heads no, and as fast as the feeling is there it's gone...huh weird. I don't know what that was but I am so over this day already. 

We make our way back out to our cars, when Addi looks at me and says, "Hey guys you go on ahead to Hexes and Potions, we have to run home and grab a few things, we will meet you at your house Raven!" "Ok sounds good! Oh hey Gabi can you bring your VR system over, I wanna play Blood Reign?" I asked. "Oh, heck yeah I will! We are going to have so much fun this weekend." She exclaimed hanging out the passenger side window. I stood there watching them drive off for a minute lost in my own little world when Nina honked the horn. "Come on Rave, let's get moving! Hexes and Potions are waiting. We need to find out what is happening with you." She yelled from the passenger side of my car. "Ok, ok I am coming, jeesh!" I said getting into the driver's side. I threw the car in reverse and started to back out of my spot and out of nowhere this guy appeared right behind my car. I slammed on my brakes.

 Looking out the back window at him, I honked to get him to move. But he just stood there staring at my car. "What's his problem?" Nina exclaimed as she was getting ready to open her door. "STOP!" I yelled at her. There was something about this man that seemed off. Dangerous almost. He was medium height maybe 5ft 9in and medium build, with dark black hair and what appeared to be black eyes. But that couldn't have been right. No one has black eyes. But something about him made my skin crawl. "Ok, ok." Nina said as she slowly moved her hand from the door handle. "What is it, Raven? What is wrong?" She asked, I just couldn't find the words to express what i was feeling. Dread, misery, was all flooding into me. And as fast as he was there he was gone. I shook my head and cleared the feelings away and exclaimed, "Whoa, that was super strange, right?" "Uh, yeah...super strange." Nina replied, eyeing me cautiously as I backed out of the parking spot and headed out the parking lot.

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