Pokemon Dead Channel (REWRITE)

Start from the beginning

They sold my GameCube to someone who "actually deserved to have it." I threw a fit; I screamed, kicked, and cursed, but it did nothing. BRVR, the closest thing to a friend I ever had, was gone forever.

I fell into a depression after that, but it slowly went away after I began to focus on my schoolwork. Not that I had any choice.

Eventually, I moved from a private grade school to a public middle school, and I learned new things, which helped me improve. Unlike my other school, people weren't mean or cruel to me; they would greet me when I passed them in the halls. I discovered I could do more than just play video games. I could draw, I started listening to other songs I could listen to, and my grades began dramatically rising.

Time went on, and I had finally grown up, but even after all that time, I still could not forget about BRVR. But at least, almost all the things I did in the game, I was able to do in real life now.

But still, I had a difficult time making friends. Though I got along with others nicely enough, I was not close to them by any means.

Then I turned seventeen. I got my own money and bought a GameCube online. It'd already been used, so I didn't expect it to have the best quality. But on the bright side, it was very cheap.

When the console finally came, I was ready to relive my childhood memories. To my surprise, there were three other games along with the GameCube: Mario Sunshine, Pac-Man World 2, and Pokémon Channel.

I was taken aback because I expected to receive only the console and planned to buy the games myself. But what was weird was how they were the exact same games that came with my GameCube all those years ago. Still, I didn't complain. At least I got to save some money.

Unlike that Christmas morning, I chose to play Pokémon Channel first because of my special connection with that game. I inserted the game disc into the GameCube, grabbed the controller, and waited to relive those memories.

I selected "Continue" and saw something I had trouble believing. It had my name. Lana.

Part of me thought this was some crazy coincidence. But the other part knew it was more than that. It may have been my old GameCube. Through unbelievable dumb luck and coincidences, it made its way back to me. But I wasn't sure until I selected "Yes".

As the transition Pokéballs rolled across the screen, part of me expected to see BRVR again.

When the transition was over, I appeared to be in my room. The usual cutscene where Pikachu is asleep on top of the shelf and wakes up didn't play, but at that moment, I had almost completely forgotten about that. The only thing on my mind was BRVR. I searched around the room, but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

"De bi de? De bi dee!"

The Delibird that delivers the goods you buy from the Shop 'N Squirtle channel was at the door. I smiled warmly at the sight. I remember I bought something from that channel almost every day when I was younger. Maybe the previous owner did the same thing, and I thought they must have purchased something the last time they played. Curious about what was in the delivery, I eagerly headed for the door.

Then I heard it.

A deep moaning sound stopped me before I could reach the door. I turned the screen and saw a Pikachu crawl out from under the bed. I had never seen him climb out from underneath the bed before, except when he was searching for the Pokémon Mini at the beginning of the game. When he turned and saw me, he had a shocked expression.

Then I got a good look at him, and he looked much different. He looked beat up and depressed. I know there isn't a single model in the game that makes Pokémon look like that. Someone must've changed the game and added it themselves. Then I checked his name, and it was indeed BRVR.

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