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Hello! sorry this took so long to come out, but here is chapter ten! this chapter does contain smut, so please be cautious. 


All week.

All week, Minho relentlessly teased Chan. He made teasing comments and moaned in Chan's ear when he least expected them. It was an entire mess. What has Chan been doing? Trying to hold on to the last piece of sanity. However, that goddamn red lipstick on those pretty, pouty lips Minho has. Chan was genuinely about to go insane. 

Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Chan were all in English class, listening to what the teacher was saying. However, Hyunjin and Jisung just had to sit next to each other, leaving Chan with the teasing Minho. No one knows why Minho is teasing his Alpha so much, but then again, it was slightly expected. All Chan had to do was not pay attention to Minho and focus on the class, he couldn't get distracted by those, pretty, pouty, kissable lips Minho had with that red fricking lipstick. And you know what? Everything was going well. Twenty-three minutes into the class, everything was just peachy.

Well, until Minho's stupid, soft, warm hands touched Chan's thigh, making the Alpha snap his head towards Minho so fast he thought his head would fall off. "Minho. Move. Your. Hand." Chan whispered sternly, to which he only got a giggle in return, that and Minho's hand travelling closer and closer to Chan's crotch. Chan let out a low groan the second the contact was made and Minho started palming him. At this point, all of his sanity was thrown out of the window. In particular, another Alpha was eyeing up Minho, which made Chan's jealousy rise to unknown heights. 

In a swift motion, Minho was on Chan's shoulder as Chan stormed out of the classroom with their bags in his other hand. "Should we be worried?" Hyunjin leaned over to Jisung to ask, who only shook his head, no. "Nah, I'm sure they'll be fine," Well, he was hoping and praying at least. Nevertheless, he would not say this to Hyunjin. Jisung didn't want to worry his omega.

"Chan!? where are we going?" Minho asked from his position, currently on Chan's shoulder like a ragdoll. However, Chan never answered as he kicked the door open to a empty classroom, dropping their bags and swiping everything off the teacher's desk, laying Minho on said desk. "You've been driving me crazy with those lips of yours. those pretty moans too. I can't hold back, tell me now, Minho. Do you want this too? If not, then I will walk straight out of this classroom." Chan was hovering above Minho as he spoke, his voice dropping in decibels, almost at a dangerously hot growl. Minho took a moment to reply, debating it all in his head. But, due to Minho's silence, Chan leaned up and walked towards the door.

"I...I do want this!" Minho said quickly, stopping Chan dead in his tracks. Minho wanted this as much as Chan did. A low growl came from Chan's throat as he marched right back to his omega, smashing their lips together in a hungry, blissful kiss. Minho moaned into Chan's mouth as they started touching each other, trying to rile each other up even more then they already are. Their lips moved together in a familiar sinful dance as clothes were discarded onto the floor. Hands touching bare bodies of the other's skin, Minho much more sensitive and reactive then Chan. Drool slid down each other's chins, the make out getting more desperate and hungry. 

"Lube, Chan we need lube," Minho breathlessly muttered against Chan's lips. The blood alpha groaned as he parted from Minho and grabbed a bottle of lube from his bag. "Don't ask." Was all Chan said before gently leaving opened mouthed kisses along Minho's neck, shoulders and chest. Adding a few hickeys for extra measure. But never biting, Chan couldn't risk fully bonding them together. 

Minho's fingers slid along the muscular back that belonged to his Alpha, dragging his nails along it to leave dark red scratch marks. Chan had leaned up and stared at Minho's body. "You're wearing panties?" Chan then met his luna's gaze. "You're driving me crazy." Then, Chan kissed down Minho's body, grabbing the panties with his teeth and dragging it off Minho's body, kissing up the luna's thighs, marking them. but never biting. 

Soon, Chan got tired of teasing, he opened the lube and lubed his fingers up before sliding them into Minho's inviting entrance, earning a loud moan from the luna. 

Blue. Minho's eyes were turning blue, and the more Chan stared into them, the more it triggered his inner wolf. Chan kissed Minho again, sliding another finger into Minho's entrance and scissoring his fingers open, whilst also searching for the luna's prostate. 

"Alpha!" Minho broke the kiss with a loud gasped moan. Chan smirked, he knew he found it. He continuously hit the same spot over and over again, sliding another finger into the mix to stretch Minho out properly. 

Was this stupid to do on school grounds? Yes. Did they care? Absolutely not.

"Alpha, please. Alpha." Minho blabbed as his back arched off the desk, his legs trembling as the wave of his release hit him like a truck. He slapped a hand over his mouth and moaned into it, his legs trembling more and closing around Chan's arm. 

"Good boy. Such a good boy." Chan praised as he lubed his length, and slowly, carefully slid himself into his luna's entrance. A loud moan was elected out of Minho as Chan groaned from the familiar tightness. "God, my luna. Always so tight for me." Chan wasn't speaking, his eyes were their full red. his inner wolf took charge, wanting nothing more the to absolutely destroy the luna in front of him. Minho just whined, he wasn't there either. his inner wolf took control, submitting to the blood alpha in front of him. added onto the additional lube, Minho's slick slid into the mix, making the slides of Chan's thrusts a lot easier. 

Moans, groans, whines, pleas. All of this filled the empty classroom along with the strong pheromones of Melted Marshmallow and Firewood. The desk that Minho was laying on creaked and groaned from Chan's powerful thrusts. He was showing no mercy, and Minho was absolutely loving it. Their lips pressed together in a sinful tango, spilling dirty secrets and moans into each others mouths as Minho's slick started dripping down his thighs. It was uncomfortable, but he didn't care at this moment in time. 

One thing that went, thankfully, unnoticed by Chan, was the royal family mark, located on the Luna's back, right at the hip. even after the grabbing of the hips. Even after flipping Minho around and pounding into him that way with a tight grip on his hair. Chan never even noticed it.

That is what Hyunjin, Changbin and Felix are the most worried about. The three of them with their alpha's on the other side of the school, internally panicking. If Chan sees that mark, it is all over for them. However, the alpha's where worried too. On the back of Chan's shoulder was the mafia mark of the Wolfgang Mafia. The alpha's were hoping and praying Minho will never see it. 

Even though, currently, Chan had Minho picked up with his back against the wall, destroying his organs with his powerful thrusts. Minho never saw Chan's mark. 

They couldn't risk their omega's knowing about the gang they where in. what would they think? it would be all over. the fairy tale they have been living for almost two months now, would be all over.

Chan and Minho had forgotten about their marks during the whole time that they were mating. But, their friends never did. Everyone was thankful that when Chan and Minho returned, they didn't act weird, more like their normal selves. Chan saw nothing. Minho saw nothing. Minho wasn't even marked. he doesn't have the bonding mark, and that made the omega's let out a sigh of relief. 

The only marks on Minho were hickeys. Chan had refused to wash the red lipstick off his lips after they were done. He never said why he refuses, but we can all guess. 

It is all getting too dangerous now. They are all getting to comfortable, they need to be more cautious. Nevertheless, one question was still in Chan's mind..

..Why does his inner wolf call Minho "Luna"?

 and why does Minho's eyes turn such a dark blue?  

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