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Sorry for not updating, i had writer's block for a bit. But here's a new chapter!


The past couple of weeks have been interesting for the group of friends. Ever since the little setback with those guys flirting with Hyunjin and Minho, Jisung got slightly more possessive of Hyunjin as we would expect.

Today, it is supposed to be normal; however, Minho is highly irritated. Why? Well the past few weeks, every individual has been flirting with Chan. The word spread like wildfire that Chan was Minho's mate and multiple people tried to get Chan for themselves, trying to (terribly) convince Chan that they are (not) better mates than Minho. As we can see, Minho desperately wanted to commit mass murder.

Everyone was in their respective class. Minho and Hyunjin having an odd conversation about who knows what whilst Jisung eagerly listens in to the random drama and so on, as their science teacher harps on about compounds, masses and electrolytes. Not like the three were listening, which was fine, Minho, gets the notes from Hyunjin, who gets his from Jisung, who steals all his notes from Jeongin, who managed to get his from Changbin, who gets his from Felix, who bribes Seungmin, who talks and shares a bunch of notes with Chan. Safe to say, all the notes are passed around by the whole group without knowing.

This is not the point, so we return to the plot. As Mr RM was hyping at the topic, he placed everyone in a group of four people. Well, let everyone choose their group to do a group project on everything they have learned. As we have discussed, Chan was the only one to pay attention most of the time. Minho, Hyunjin, and Jisung already knew that they were working together, and the three were getting along pretty well these weeks along with the others. But Chan? was kind of in the state of every single person in the class begging to be in the same group as him, and Minho sorta snapped. 

"Hey! That's enough. Chan has a choice, and none of you are listening to him. I am his omega, and he is in a group with me and two other people. Leave him alone." His tone was strong and stern, the only time Hyunjin ever heard him speak like that was when there was a meeting, and he was also there along with the two others of Minho's court. Chan, however, just smirked hearing some whines and protests he pulls Minho infront of him into a small back hug. "You heard my omega, get lost," There was no doubt something has been shifted in Chan's and Minho's already odd dynamic.

Let me explain. Ever since that incident with Minho and Hyunjin, Chan has become even more possessive of Minho. Nevertheless, their stupid banter has remained a constant thing but has constantly switched from banter to lustful remarks. Minho has also gone from not touching Chan to actually touching Chan's arm and hands and blatantly teasing him in front of all their friends, and it takes Chan a lot of energy to not rip his clothes off right there and then bend him over. Everyone has noticed this, the group chat between Seungmin, Felix, Jisung, and Hyunjin constantly blowing up from the crazy things Minchan does in school. 

No one knows why they have shifted; however, it is not like Chan makes it a known thing that he is so jealous and extremely possessive of Minho right now. Well, along with lustful stares and countless teasing, are they doing better? no one knows. Chan has his small soft moments where if Minho was extremely excited he would just flat-out stare at him like Minho was his entire world with a small smile on his face. Chan has come to, randomly, complimenting Minho's outfits and Minho endlessly tells Chan about how buff he is and how amazing his veins feel and also having his soft moments about Chan and so on. Safe to say their dynamic was now even more weird. 

Be as it may, Chan is not the only jealous one as you can tell; Minho has been extremely jealous of the countless omegas trying to get with his alpha. Will either boy admit that to each other? No, no they will not. Will both boys continue to act like they despise each other? Yes, yes they will. However, the universe seems to have completely different plans. 

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