A burning beam of red light, thick as a train, cleaves through the dust and blasts Tantabus' chest. Its agonized roar follows and it responds by lowering its horn and blasting a beam of energy at the shadow outline of the obscured two enemies.

"AUXILIARY BARRIERS PRIMED FOR RELEASE!" announces a different robotic voice.

Tantabus' attack vanishes as a teal barrier flickers into existence right before it hits, and the shockwave from the impact clears the air.

"I think I've gone insane from pressure and I'm hallucinating..." mutters 387.

In front of Tantabus leaning down after the original attack stands an equally massive plush toy of Princess Celestia, accompanied by one of Luna which is roughly a quarter of its size but still huge.

The craziest part, however, is the changeling drone wearing a cardboard Nightguard helmet standing on huge Celestia's head, its legs gooped to the fuzz so that it doesn't fall off.


"In the name of the Nightguard, I ARREST YOU, EVILDOER!"


"Not-Blue, fire the Luna-saving beam!"


"Pfff, it's a Luna-saving, not Luna-hurting beam. I'd never hurt Luna!"

In the mind of 65536, that is the absolute truth. There's no doubt about it, no second thought, nothing, just like the fact that drones can dig through anything, that changelings have infinite stamina if they have the love, or that high ranks can kill any amount of drones on a whim.

Here, in the dreamscape, true belief is only barely distinguishable from the truth, and a mind too simple to understand any evidence to the contrary is a force to be reckoned with.

"FIRING MAIN CANNON!" announces Not-Blue.

The twin eye beams bite into Tantabus' chest, sending the titan tumbling backwards. However, this time a comparatively small, dark blue dot remains in the air for a moment before it starts dropping to the ground.


"Hey, that's the soup princess!" 10013 calls out, charging forward.

Within a moment, it's overtaken by 1988 who in turn is left behind 387 who-


-avoids the beam of white light shooting from giant plush Celestia's eyes, enveloping Luna, and gently pulling it up on the plushie's head.

"LunaLunaLunaLuna!" 65536 tries to rush forward, forgets its legs are glued to the surface, and faceplants into the plush fuzz, "Mmmphm- nom nom nom!" it bites the goop off as if nothing happened and starts shaking the princess, "LunaLunaLunaLunaLu-!"

"HAH!" with a gasp, she wakes up, sits, and starts turning her head, "65536?! What? I was-" her eyes lock on Tantabus on the ground with a massive hole in its chest, "Stay here until I say otherwise!"

"But I got my armor and all," 65536 objects, "Not the real one cuz I'm off duty, but-"

"What did I just say?" she gives it a... look.

"I'm not moving from this spot!" 65536 salutes, "Gooping my legs down again right now!"


Luna takes off, landing in front of Tantabus with her horn glowing. She doesn't say anything, but the star monster begins shrinking in front of everyone's eyes until it vanishes completely. Along with it, the sky fixes itself as well. A bit anticlimactic, really, but the important job was done by others already.

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