CH: 2/13 - Momalis

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Chrysalis rolls over on her back as a glassy-eyed stallion massages her hind hooves, and sighs. The slow but steady flow of venom-tainted love from him spreads through her veins, revitalizing her like a good, long rest. She doesn't even need to be transformed at this point, as the single stallion quickly took to her yesterday at the bar and invited her home in her disguise and let her easily completely dominate his mind already loosened by alcohol.

"Go open the door," she says out of nowhere, at least for him, but he doesn't have it in him to resist a direct order, so he does as he's told.

Two of the hottest fit mares he's ever seen are standing outside, each only giving him the briefest glance before pushing past him.

"Uh, how can I help-?" he manages to stutter out before Chrysalis says in a voice smooth like honey:

"They're with me."

And that's enough to completely shove any worries he could have had aside, replaced by pleasant warm buzzing inside his brain.

"Good colt," she continues, her voice reverberating in his head, "Keep it up and you might have a chance with all three of us. You know what? Why don't you go and get us a drink?"

"Sure thing," he leaves the living room. When he's outside, the two disguised warriors transfer all love and lust they gathered throughout the night, barring the barest minimum they need to maintain their health.

Chrysalis takes a deep, relaxing breath.

"Excellent work. Thank you."

"..." the two warriors stare.


"You've never-" 68 says, hesitant.

"-thanked us before," 96 finishes the thought.

Chrysalis narrows her eyes before sighing and saying:

"Hmph, I suppose so..."

Nothing else. Not that the warriors had any reason to expect even the first part of the thanks, so they sit down on the carpet in front of the couch and wait for more orders. When the stallion returns with their drinks, the two warriors take him away into the bedroom while Chrysalis stretches, closes her eyes, and-

The darkness of the hive mind swallows her.

For a normal changeling, the sudden mental pressure would be at least disorienting. For Chrysalis, all this means that whoever has just assaulted her mind is entering the equivalent a Ninja Warrior arena mixed with a minefield filled with claymore roombas, alligators with miniguns, lava moats, and guard turrets manned with so many snipers each that the world's tetris masters would bow in respect.

"Hmph!" huffs a voice Chrysalis hasn't heard for over half a millennium, "Not bad for a love-starved amateur."

"And here was I, thinking I'd deal with your shade on my own terms, mom," she snickers.

"As if you were capable of dealing with anything, daughter," says the darkness surrounding her, "Your race is dying, you-"

"No, no," Chrysalis interrupts the monologue at the start, "I'm not doing this every single time I have to kick one of you out of my head. I already had this part of the conversation with myself, so get to the constructive point and-"

She concentrates.


The oppressive darkness surrounding her disperses, revealing the completely normal darkness of the hive mind along with the silvery circles and lines occasionally marking the otherwise invisible "ground".

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