1313: 3

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This particular room in the many cellars of Blueblood estate definitely doesn't look like the repurposed prison where 1313 had been held before nor a common storage. A casual observer might guess that, thanks to the strange magical locking system which completely ignored Zamira and opened automatically for 1313 approaching the entrance, it could be a cellar for the more expensive kinds of wine or even some kind of vault, but they would be wrong.

The overall warmth of the room, the several more normal doors leading holes know where, and the pipes lining the walls dispel the idea, leaving the changeling at a loss as to why Zamira wanted him to come here with her. Other than to open the lock, of course.

"I can't help feeling you're using me for something," he keeps looking at a shallow pool into which roughly 3 ponies might fit with a bit of a squeeze now filling up with hot water.

"Nonsense, this is just... so that you get into the spirit of things. You know, do things the Blueblood way," replies Zamira while fiddling with some kind of a control panel belonging to a metal box hanging on a wall by the door.

"You couldn't sound more suspicious if you said - let's go to the vault, grab all the gold, and go shopping!"

"What? Noooo..." Zamira waves her foreleg dismissively, "This is absolutely harmless."

"I don't even know what you're so eager about anyway," 1313 gives the small pool an appraising glance, "It looks like a common birthing basin, only with water."

"You'll understand once you get in."

"No, I'm the one with the explosives strapped to me, you go in first."

"And just how is that supposed to- nevermind. So you're saying I can go in, right?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Awesome!" she walks in and lies down on her back with the kind of casual indecency only someone with a perfect body can muster, "Ahhhh... this beats the staff shower any day of the week," she stretches and moans, her wet coat clinging tightly to her toned body, "You sure you don't want to hop in too? The water's just perfect," she winks at him, her feminine wiles completely failing to even register to the already distraught changeling.

1313 pokes the water surface. Nothing happens, all his bits are still in their right places. He can't be sure but there is a small chance that an explosion would just scatter someone as fragile as him all over the place and, with a helping hoof, it could be possible to put him back together, but as far as plans for getting out of this entire situation go, that isn't even plan Z, falling more into the territory of plans marked by strings of special characters from alphabets long unused.

Spurred on by the lack of kaboom, 1313 walks into the pool and sits down.

"Not bad," he says with a shrug, "Still can't see what all the fuss was about."

With a devious smirk, Zamira stands up onto all fours, steaming water dripping off of her, walks over to him, pushes him on his back, and looks down at his passive face.

"Gee, Blueblood would already be groping me if we were like this," she says, "You're almost sucking all the fun out of this, almost," she reaches past him, making sure to rub as much of her barrel as she can against his muzzle, and 1313 hears the click of a button and the whirring of machinery. She quickly withdraws and props her back against the opposite end of the pool just as-

"Aaah, what's that?!" 1313 bolts upright, his head turning from side to side as a strange tickling sensation assaults his body from underneath.

"Mhmmmmmm..." Zamira only moans and sinks deeper into the now gently bubbling water, "This is the life."

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