156, 387: 3

4 1 0

156 measures both infiltrators sent out for detailed scouting as the higher-ranked one reports their consolidated findings regarding the nearby pony settlement set up in the middle of the forest for reasons unknown to the group of changelings.

"It's not actually an organized town, that's the problem," explains 918, "It's some kind of a... logging camp with semi-permanent buildings. There are four foals, and out of the estimated eighty ponies we've seen ten mares and it didn't look as if there would be many more. With several exceptions, all stallions we saw were in great physical shape. If we try to use force, it can backfire really badly, if I may offer an opinion."

"Huh, sausage fest," comments 387, "At least that makes our job easier."

"I was half expecting you to say your job, seeing that all three of us are female-"

"...am not..." mumbles 1988 quietly, earning a slightly raised eyebrow from 387 and his entry to the conversation being completely missed by 156.

"-and your warriors are, you know, warriors," finishes 156.

"Still changelings," 387 shrugs, "I'm not seeing the problem here."

"The problem is that we don't have the love to make any big changes so your natural disguises are the only way we can do this, and I doubt that a suddenly arriving squad of barely female bodybuilders would blend in."

"Some stallions dig that and I respect them for it. Still, six to one stallions to mares," sneers 387, "If they've been here for a while then I'm pretty sure we could waltz in undisguised and win just due to our leg holes. It's not as if the mares would object to some relief."

"What about the foals, can we use them in any way?" 156 nods at 918.

"47989 could use someone around its level of intelligence," 387 nudges the drone resting by his side who looks up, gives him a dizzy smile, and nuzzles his hind leg. 387 frowns and carefully pats its head, "Now you're making me feel bad for saying that."

"As you should," 156 looks at him meaningfully, "The drones aren't stupid, they just don't have access to the hive mind information or any personal experience with anything past hive duties- STOP CHEWING ON THAT TREE! BOTH OF YOU!"

36658 covers its mouth and gives her the most innocent look it can. 57999 sitting next to it drops the small piece it's been holding and nibbling on left behind by 36658's rampage and hides its forelegs behind its back.

"A-hem," 918 clears her throat, "May I continue?"

"Go on," 156 nods, "387, stop interrupting."

918 gives him a nervous look that ends on 156.

"387 is right, though. The levels of pent-up lust we felt while snooping around were off the charts all over. Very little love, though, so we still have to cocoon anyone we capture to get a decent amount. As for the general mood, the ponies don't seem to be aware of any danger. It is possible that the news about the changeling invasion haven't reached this place at all yet."

"That opens some interesting options..." nods 387.

"Such as?" 156 raises an eyebrow.

"I mean, ponies didn't know about us before the invasion at all, did they?"

"I'm not aware of it, no."

"Sooo... why would we need to waste love on disguises?"

"Warriors..." 156 rolls her eyes, "How do you intend to replace someone's beloved without looking like them?"

"They literally just said there's no love there. Any amount we can get would be through cocooning."

"We can still go for affection or friendship."

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