"And Crovus was that vessel," answered the Minister, and she nodded.

"Yes, he was. Voldemort used a ritual, for the abuse of magic had affected his bodily functions. He used Bellatrix Lestrange, and suing an extremely twisted ritual, he created a semi-soulless container for himself," she answered and saw both Percy and the Minster pale at her words.

There were few things in magic as sacred as children and souls. And any magic that defiled these two very sacred things was considered vile. Yet Voldemort had dabbled and decorated both of these things. He had disgraced the soul by making Horcruxes and then destroyed an innocent life trying to create a vessel for himself.

It was abhorrent.

"Merlin!" cursed Percy as he shook his head and took a small sip of water, and looked at the report she had given him once again while he continued to shake his head, being both shocked and abhorred by everything he had just heard.

"What happened to Bellatrix Lestrange?" questioned the Minister, and she saw Percy's head snap towards her, as well. She looked at the Minster.

"I believe you already are aware. She died," she answered cryptically, and the Minister leaned forward.

"I want the truth, Greengrass. What happened to her? None of the Death Eaters knew anything, and I have a very good suspicion that your client is somehow involved in this as well," began the Minster, and her lips thinned as she refused to budge and continued to look the Minister straight into the eyes.

In the end, the Minster yielded and gave an offer.

"What do you want?" the Minster began, and she smiled as she spoke up.

"Remove my client from Azkaban to a low-security cell, and remove the dementors. And I want you to allow visitation, as well," she answered, and Percy immediately cut in.

"No, that is absurd just beca...." But the Minister raised her hand, and stopped him mid-sentence, and nodded.

"Done, now answer me. What truly happened with Bellatrix Lestrange?" questioned the Minster, and she closed her eyes as she disclosed what she had discovered from Narcissa Malfoy.

"Crovus began to suspect the use of the modified amortentia while he was undercover. His suspicion was true, and with the help of her sister, Narcissa Malfoy, and Professor Snape, they were able to remove the potion's influence from her," she began. She still couldn't get the look of sadness and pain she had seen on Narcissa's face as she had told her about this out of her mind.

"Then what happened," questioned the Minster, and her voice shook as she continued.

"They were successful, but it was too late," she answered, and the room descended into silence once again, "she had nearly lost her sanity. I was told that she begged for them to kill her. According to Narcissa Malfoy, she was mentally broken. It was all too much for her."

And she couldn't even imagine what that woman had gone through. Being under Voldemort's control, then being under the influence of Dementors for over a decade. It was just too much to imagine.

"In the end, Crovus granted her this final wish," and she looked up to see the Minster's aghast face as she looked at her with widened eyes.



For the first time in months, Crovus Lestrange finally found himself able to think freely. The voices and the visions that they had tortured him with came to an end as the guards moved him to a new cell in the basement of the Ministry.

Crovus was mad at himself for the outrage at Court. The revelation about the circumstances of his birth was something that he had never wanted to discuss. Yet it had been brought up, and he hadn't missed how Daphne was not surprised by her words and already had his medical report from St. Mungos. A report that only one person had access to in the whole of Britain.

HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora