Seeds of Courage: A Boy's Beginning

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In 2004, a baby boy was born into a family that had already welcomed two girls. The arrival of a boy brought immense joy, leading to celebrations where sweets were shared throughout the community.

The family held a belief, a tradition of sorts, that having a boy would somehow enhance their family legacy, their clan.Conversely, there was a belief that when girls got married, they would take away a portion of their father's belongings to their new home.

This little boy embarked on his journey in this world. His father worked with diamonds while his mother took care of the household. Life seemed good, and the family was genuinely happy. He began his early education in the city of Surat, yet he harboured a fear of interacting with people older than him.

Here's a funny incident from that time: during a class lecture, he suddenly needed to use the bathroom. But he was afraid to ask the teacher for permission. The fear of being laughed at by the whole class held him back. It might seem simple to just ask the teacher and go, but the teacher was very strict. The classroom environment didn't encourage students to speak up freely. In that moment of fear and hesitation, he had an accident and wet his pants. At that time, he didn't realise how big a problem it could be.

Despite the embarrassment, this incident taught him an important lesson. Sometimes, the simplest things can be the hardest to do when fear holds us back. It became a part of his story, reminding him that overcoming fear takes courage. And from that day forward, he started to learn and grow, finding strength in facing his fears and challenges.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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