⭐ Suffer and Start to Suffer ⭐

Comenzar desde el principio

He wanted to see that demon. So, he did exactly what the demon had said. From all the pains he had endured and the worst one he could recall was the ‘curse pain’. Just thinking of that made him feel that it was real and as if he was still bearing it. But he was actually suffering. Right now. He felt it.
He started to grimace.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking that the curse was your biggest pain.”
Amato: W-What are you doing to me?! W-Why do I suddenly feel like this!?
“That is a source to get me, a small amount of energy.”
Amato: [Gripping his chest hardly] I-I am already starting to guess that you are a monster!
“Hmph! You have only understood that? What a joke you are. By the way, this isn’t the only pain enough. There’s more of it. It grows increasingly painful.”
Amato: Huh!? There’s more? [Starts to scream really loud]

The pain the demon had referred had started. There more painful waves within him, especially his chest. It hurts so much that it feels like his heart is painful. The faster it beats the more painful waves according to its beat rate. At this situation, he really felt that he wanted to die. At least that was what he wanted for now to reduce the pain.
“Wow! You really are amazing and stronger than I thought!”
Amato: [Grimacing louder] W-what d-do you-MEAN!?
“The earlier living beings I possessed, just died because of this pain, their heart had stopped while yours still beats on.”

This pain should have an impact on his body like his blood should have come out from his mouth by now. But it didn’t. This demon thought Amato was a special case.
Amato: Is this also a way to DIE?!
“Hmph! Alright boy you had enough.”
As soon as the demon snaps its finger, Amato’s pain had vanished just like that. His heart or chest pain had just gone in seconds, and he started to feel relieved. He just wanted to stay just like that for an hour or never.
Amato collapsed onto the floor on his knees and hands. Wait a sec! His knee! His knee doesn’t hurt! His knee is completely fine.
Amato: Huh!? M-My knee! It’s totally fine! But it-
“It was fractured with a screw stabbing in, wasn’t it?”
The demons voice changed into his voice! Amato turned behind to see what happened and he saw the demon was finally forming but it took his form! ( It was the reverse from the spaceship that was talking to Adult Amato, and this was how they met.)
Amato: Y-You! Why are you looking like me!?
Reverse: Fine. Don’t panic. Let’s introduce ourselves, shall we? I am Reverse. The deadliest demon spirit, in the universe.
Amato: W-where am I now!? I don’t feel this is real!
Reverse: We are in your sub consciousness. I can now manipulate your consciousness as well! Isn’t it awesome!
Amato: My sub consciousness? Is this a dream?
Reverse: Let’s just say yes. But I continue to exist in your body even if you are not dreaming.
Amato: What happened to me, all of sudden?
Reverse: You don’t remember, don’t you? Well, let me help.

The demon snaps his fingers and a memory of battling with Shadow bot until lastly seeing a blurry image of his father’s face looking worriedly at him flashes to him with the searing pain in his head. After that he realized that he fainted.

Reverse: Was that helpful? Hmm?
Amato: So, I- fainted? Was that how you entered my body? And can’t you do anything that is not painful?
Reverse: I already told you that pain is what entertains me. [grabs Amato by his neck]
Amato: H-Hey!
Reverse: You might have a lot of questions. But I don’t want to answer them. And if you tell that I am inside your body to anyone. That person who knows it, will die immediately!
Amato: I won’t leave you just like that!
Reverse: You are quite a brave one. But sadly, we have separate. You have to return to your world. How sad, look at your friends and especially your parents.
Amato: I am glad to leave this nightmare!
Reverse: Oh? You are? But think. Because what I am going to show you is a really bad one. When you are facing it, you would think this nightmare was better!

The Repetition Of Reverse Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora