15.My Sweet Cupcake🧁❤️

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Author's pov:

Taehyung looked at the plushie in his hand

Currently he is standing near the door wearing his Jungkook's black shirt and one of his sweatpants,
which is so loose that he is fisting it in one hand.

And a delivery boy is standing before him

"I ordered a big plushie,but this is very small"Taehyung mumbled with a pout

His pouty lips are wobbling he doesn't know why,but he feels so betrayed today,he took his Jungkook's phone and ordered a thing for first time,which was a plushie,it looked so big in the phone but it looks so small infront of him now and it is not soft like it looked in the phone,it looks so cheap and has this kind of rough clothing,that he doesn't likes to touch,

But he ordered one just to cuddle with it

"This is not what i ordered!"
Taehyung shouted with tears brimming in his eyes ..

"no ma'am,this is..what..you have ordered,sign the bill please"
The delivery boy said forwarding him the bill.

But Taehyung is not taking it,just like that,

He will not accept that he paid 3000rs for this damn plushie.

Taehyung began to fight with the delivery guy,who informed him that there is no refund or return making the situation more worse than before

Taehyung is sniffling while shouting at him.

And soon a shirtless Jungkook walked down hearing his darling's
Shoutings along with his soft sniffles

"Darling?"Jungkook stepped towards the door.

And his Darling stood there with tears sliding down from his beautiful brown eyes and his pouty lips are trembling while holding some plushie in one hand and his pants in the other hand.

before him a delivery boy stood and his eyes not so innocently creeping over Taehyung's chest who has wore nothing under the black shirt of his, making the nip'ples prominent through the shirt.

"hey!"Jungkook flicked his fingers before that boy

That boy flinched and stared at him bewildered

"Hubbyy"Taehyung sniffled waddling to his arms and Jungkook held the pants to stop them from falling as Taehyung's arms are now curled to Jungkook's chest as he sniffled in his chest

Jungkook is not ready to ask anything,this b'stard made his darling cry and his primal instinct was to ki'll him.

Jungkook pulled out the gun from the back of his pant's waist band and pointed it towards the delivery boy,who stumbled on his feet and fell on his back terrified

On hearing the trigger pulling sound

Taehyung turned his head and gripped his man's hand before he could pull the trigger and put a hole in that delivery boy's head

"hubbyy"Taehyung whined while sniffling

"He fcking made you cry Darling!?
First let me ki'll him,then we can have a talk"Jungkook exclaimed with his dark orbs being more predatory and so ready to ki'll his

Taehyung stuttered inbetween his sniffles

"even though he is the reason that your beautiful soft brown eyes leaving pearl like tears,they are so fcking precious and it should be very rare"Jungkook said wiping his tears

Jungkook flicked his fingers tilting his head to the side and the guards dragged the delivery boy away.

"and what made my precious cry?"
Jungkook asked in a soft gentle tone caressing his teary cheeks
and placed soft kisses on his hair

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