5.In the Hands of Devil🔥(S.M)

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Author's pov:

Taehyung tried to calm down himself but he is literally shaking in fear.

He had some water and slide down to the floor.

He looked around in fear and made sure every door and window in his small apartment is locked.

He fell to the floor and cried pulling his knees to his chest


Taehyung is still in his apartment
it has been few days but he still didn't left his apartment, because of fear

Taehyung is placing his things back on the small closet he has.

His hands trembled as he found a shirt of Jungkook's in his clothes

Taehyung took it in his hands with his trembling fingers.

He must have mistakenly placed it after putting it to wash.

Even the shirt belonging to him made taehyung shake in fear.

His touch still lingering on his body


Taehyung was gonna go and get changed and that's when he heard knockings on the door

Taehyung's whole body trembled in fear as he dropped the clothes he was holding

His eyes brimmed with tears as he stared at the door.

He stood there frozen staring at the door,while the loud knockings continued.

"Taehyung ah it's me,next door granny,i brought strawberries for you"The old woman's voice heard in the other side of the door

Taehyung sighed a little keeping a hand on his chest as he stepped towards the door to open it.

"granny"Taehyung mumbled opening the door,but to only get shocked to see Jungkook standing there with a knife on the granny's neck.

"hello kitten"Jungkook said smirking and blowed the smoke past his pierced lips.


The door got slammed behind Jungkook as he locked it.

Taehyung rushed towards the bedroom and locked the door behind him.

Jungkook chuckled darkly and took puff from his cigarette.

He stepped towards the bedroom and stopped before the door.

"Kitten"Jungkook called Taehyung
smirking in a deep voice,he dropped the cigarette bud and stepped on it.

"Open the door,hmm,let master in"
Jungkook said in his deep voice

"come on princess,open the door for Daddy,you know how much work he has, don't make him wait come on"Jungkook said knocking on the door.

scared"Taehyung said in his trembling voice, sniffling

"scared?why baby hmm?
open the door petal,you don't have to be scared
I am not gonna do anything to you,
just gonna take you from here to
back to our home, that's it,
come on little darling open the
door, don't make master angry"
Jungkook said in a soft sweet manipulative tone

And Taehyung knows once he went back there he will not be able to come back and see the outside world again.

"no..will.not"Taehyung said in a
trembling voice

"ok then,

you chose this way kitten,so don't blame on master later"Jungkook said and hit on the door.

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