'This part of the floor is mine. Usually no one comes here. Stay here for a bit. I'll come after meeting Hiya.' We both were panting heavily. I put the folder down on the table.

'Water...' I was dying from thirst . I ran two times tonight.......so exciting!

'Sure.' New was about to walk out when he heard my laboured breath and enter the next room to fetch water.

I was looking at my surroundings. This room is the living room I guess. It's so ordinary. Nothing expensive like others rooms. There are two doors at the back of the room. Bedrooms I guess. New said this is his floor. He is living so........ poorly! He is the second young master! Why!

'Here.' New is back with a water bottle and a plate full of pastries.

'Eat some. You haven't had dinner tonight.'

I looked at him with surprise. He noticed that too....

When my friends ate dinner tonight, I was waiting for New. And after he left, I left too.

'But you are starving too!' I scowled.

'Later.' His smile was gentle. The way I like it.


I was about to open the bottle when we heard P Waii's voice right outside the door.

'HIDE!' He mouthed the word and we ran towards the inner room, both carrying things with us. New was carrying that God awful fat folder, I was carrying a plate of pastries and bottle.

I was wrong. Not two bedrooms. One bedroom one study. And there is a door in the middle connecting both of them from inside.

New shoved me inside the bedroom with everything else and said,

'Don't make a sound and don't come out. He isn't a very tolerant person.'

'What?' I didn't get the chance to ask again because he already left. I tip-toed towards the door, which was half closed and saw him unbuttoning his shirt. What's he doing! He saw me peeking and shook his head slightly. I was about to close the door but he gave me a look and shook his head again.

Oh! It would be suspicious if this door is closed.

I nodded understandingly. He is already half naked. Oh! His skin is as white as snow. I know how to appreciate a female body, after all I was once straight but now that I saw him I felt more attracted towards him. I face palmed myself. Now is not the time!

Oh! He is changing into his pj. He wants to look like he is here for some time. Not just arrived.


That exact moment the outside door of the study opened with a thud and P Waii entered the room without even knocking.

I quickly hid behind the curtain. From here I can see them but they can't.

'I was calling for you for so long. Why weren't you answering?' P Waii has a domineering aura.

'I was getting ready for bed and didn't hear you.' New was very calm.

'Why were you so late? I specifically asked you to come home before 8.'

'Hiya, let's celebrate your birthday this year. I am going to throw a party for you.'


'Yeah. Birthday party. Family, friends.... colleagues, I will invite everyone.'

'Sure. But then you have to celebrate your birthday too. Are you willing?'

'Listen to me first. In that party....'

'Enough. I know what you are trying to say.....8 is too early to return from a party....right?'

'Hiya is so smart.' New chuckled.

I really appreciate his bravery. He is talking to P Waii so casually! But I know P Waii is the scariest person in this house. And right now he is angry.

'Mom wasn't happy that I let you go there.'

'I wanted to. Uncle personally invited me.'

'Hm. Mint threw a tantrum earlier. Now she is sick and mom and dad are blaming you....... Vihokratanas are not bad people but don't get further involved with them.'

'I won't.'

What! New!

I was shocked.

'I know you get bored from just home to uni and uni to home.'

'It's alright. I am used to live like this.'

'Your professor called. You already submitted each one of your 1st year assignments. He was very impressed.'

'I like to keep my desk clean. And I had plenty of free time to complete all that.'

Huh! You really are a genius! I laughed inwardly. I am struggling with mine and it's not even near done.

'New..... don't push yourself too hard.'

The softness of P Waii's voice startled me. And the next scene made my heart jump.

I saw with my own eyes, P Waii gently caressing New's face with both hands and looking at him devotedly.

'Lately you are not spending enough time with me. Why?'

Goosebumps rose all over my body.

I have a brother too! And our relation is pretty good. We love each other very much but this is not the right way to express your brotherly love!!

This is clearly more than that!

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