Chapter Nine

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Sirius was right when he said that rumors were already flying. It's like the school can't decide whether I am a whore or prude. I've heard some guys saying I'm a prude for walking out and not "giving it to Ben." Other people are under the impression I left Ben for someone else. None of which are true, of course.

As much as Ben tried to hide, the boys did eventually catch up with him. James and Sirius have about a month's worth of detention. Of course, nothing goes over McGonagall's head, though. She found out about the incident soon enough, and I was heavily questioned. She wanted Ben expelled and almost got her way. Unfortunately, his family is quite influential and got their way on this one.

I hate to say that generally the men win in this world. McGonagall isn't for that. She was ready to get rid of him purely on the accusation of it. Unfortunately, she can only do so much.

Oddly, enough, Remus doesn't have detention. I know he was in on tracking Ben down and giving him the beating of a lifetime, and I know it wasn't James or Sirius who decided to put one of those powder bombs in the Quidditch shower house strategically placed so it would go off once he was in the shower.

Thankfully, he has been removed from the team due to "conflict of interest". I couldn't imagine seeing him every day at practice. It's good it's early in the season. It makes him easier to replace.

Since the incident, I have been very standoffish with people I don't know well. I've even been distant from the guys a bit. I am still horribly embarrassed over the whole situation.

I spend most of my time studying and going to quidditch practice for the next week. I would be lying if I said I haven't been avoiding James. I know I ruined the night for him the other day, and now he is stuck in detention for the foreseeable future. I feel like it is all my fault.

I put more time in my studies to hopefully take my mind off things. I am starting to hate my classes, though. The whispers and rumors are almost unbearable.

My day starts off strong with some easy classes, but then transfiguration rolls around and things start to go downhill. I sit around the middle of the class. I sit beside Alice, and a girl and boy who I'm not familiar with sit in front of me.

The lesson is droning on. We are taking notes today. Alice excused herself to the bathroom, and McGonagall pauses speaking to write on the board.

"You hear about Ben getting taken off the quidditch team?" The girl whispers to the boy beside her. I think they are dating. "Who hasn't heard about it? I still can't believe it. A simple accusation gets thrown out, and he is gone, end of story?" He huffs.

She shrugs and works on copying some notes down. By now, I'm not even focused on the lesson anymore. "I heard a few other girls had issues with him before too and that they were glad he got in trouble."

He scoffs, I can't see his face, but if I could, I have a feeling he is rolling his eyes? "He is a good guy. What happened was the girl wanted to hook up and he didn't want her. She is not cute. Have you seen her? She's real homely, and it wouldn't kill her to lose a few pounds...or twenty." He rants.

She laughs softly at his remark, but I feel physically sick. "You're talking about the Potter girl, right? I'm glad you are brave enough to say something. No one else will because they are scared of her brother."

After that, they move on to a different topic except for the cruel remark here and there. Alice returns back to class and I have to act like nothing happened. By the time I leave class, I'm holding back tears.

I missed half of the notes I needed, so I am now quite behind, and I couldn't focus much for the rest of my classes. It was miserable.

I end up skipping lunch as the boy's words echo in my head every time I even think about eating. I know I'm taking his words too seriously, but it is hard not to.

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