A mask not just on his face?

251 8 21

I dunno anymore man.

Hope you enjoy,

Robin's P.o.v.

After eating my beloved cereal, I headed  back to the living room.

Feelings or not, however this ends, cereal will always be here.

Cereal is love, cereal is life,

Reject romance, embrace cereal.


Does this have to do with my trust issues, where I don't trust people with my feelings, and therefore I find comfort in inanimate objects due to their lack of sentience.
Objects cannot betray me, and therefore I trust cereal more than I trust someone with my romantic feelings?

Meh, whatever.

"Hey guys, I'm just going to go and make a call real quick, yeah?" I called out to the room of glaring teammates.

Grumbling assent and acknowledgements were heard from the angry teens.

I nodded and left to my room.

Once I was semi-safe inside of my room, I pulled out my communicator and clicked on Baby bird's profile.

Now, a bit of context:
A while ago, when I had first started out as Robin, apparently I only communicated with Batman using... Chirps?

Yeah, I didn't mean to do that.

However, here's the fun part:

Everyone else picked it up. Bruce and Cass sound like Bats, unlike me, Little Wing, Baby Bird, and little D chirp like robins.

Barb sounds like computer keys, sort of similar to how Duke sounds like a light switch.

Green and Red Arrow just whistle.

No, I absolutely did not suggest this because I thought Yondu's death was stupid.

Barry and KF vibrate their vocal cords at different frequencies to use their powers.

And most importantly?

Alfred just clicks his tongue and we all know what he means.

Anyway, I use that language when I call Baby Bird.

It does take a bit, and I hear someone trying to hold Tim back from getting coffee when he picks up.

"Hello?" Yeah, it's been a while since he's slept.

"Uh... Baby Bird? I just wanted to know if Jay was there. He broke his communicator when I last called him." I nervously chirped.

"Oh, hey Dick. Yeah, he's trying to hold me back from getting some coffee-" Tim's chirps were abruptly cut off by a familiar voice going,

"Jesus CHRIST Tim, you haven't slept in two weeks!"

"Jay-bird! Wait, did you say that he hasn't slept in two weeks?"

I swear, Baby Bird if you haven't slept in two weeks I will zeta over there and put sleep medication in your coffee.

My second littlest brother sounded timid. (HAH-) when he replied with,

"Maybe? Oh, lookatthetimegottagobye!"

"TIM- Ughhh. The shit I put up with for you little brats. That includes you Dick-head."

It sounded like Tim had gotten away from Jay.

Well, I'll medicate Tim later, but for now I need to talk to Jason.

"Hey, Jay-bird? Y'know that bet?"

Now don't get me wrong, the bet was important, but my family was more important.

And for someone who's only two years younger than me, Baby Bird has probably only slept for 1/16th of his life.

"Yeah? Ooh, did you fail it?"

I can practically hear the grin in Jay's voice.

"No, but it did get a bit more complicated. BB is also in on the bet since he's also from YJ, so he knows most of what's going on, but the Titans just ran into KF visiting Jump."

"Okay, and?" Jay dosen't seem very interested here.

"And that means that KF completely fibbed an entire backstory. So I say that if someone else over than me or KF spills the beans, it wasn't my fault. Agree or disagree?"

"Hmm... yeah, I guess that's fair. I'll tell everyone else about the update." Jay may seem like he's just a tough bastard, but he's a fair bastard.

"Okay, thanks Jay-bird!"

"Ugh, please don't call me tha-"


Oopsies, I accidentally clicked the 'hang up' option before he could finish his sentence.

I guess I'll just have to keep calling him Jay-bird!

Now for me to deal with the lot standing outside of my door, trying to figure out what I was saying.

Author's P.o.v.

Yesiree, he was right about how people were standing outside of his door.

Raven, BeastBoy and Star-flaming trash-can were standing outside of his door, using glass cups to try and listen through the door, but all they could hear was... chirping? And something about someone name Tim?

BeastBoy had tried to get away, but was dragged into it by Star-bitch.

He just kind of stood there and played dumb.

(Like that was hard.

Almost as hard as Wally is when he fantasizes about Grayson-)

And on the note of that horrid sex joke, I'll end this chapter.

Sorry the qualities probably not as good as the oneshots, I find oneshots quite a bit easier to write, but I'll try my best 💪!

If anyone has any tips or suggestions, please let me know, I am literally begging you the internet has not helped.

With that, I'm just going to sign off.


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