Dear Rob

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I don't really have much to say about this chapter, but I hope it turns out well.

Here we go,

Robin's P.o.v.

'Was what he said about falling in love with me true?'

Well, maybe he mentioned something about it in his letter, I could only hear some sentences, and most that I heard were extremely garbled. I think the only thing that was keeping me semi-concious was the sound of him.

(I keep misreading 'semi-concious' as 'semi-colon' 💀)

Fuck, the author's back.

I thought I had lost you, and yet here we are.

Oh, hi reader.

I would say 'I'm going to go see if I can beat the shit out of this @$$hole of a crappy writer' but I have to read this letter first.


Anygays, I reach over to grab the letter, and yup, there's KF's handwriting.

(Yeah, it's usually messy as fuck, but he always makes sure to make the writing in things he writes for Robin clear.)

Wait he does?

That's not important tonight, because he says that we might be able to continue the bet.

I continue reading, and my thoughts are basically:

'That's what he said about what happened?



That's why he said that he was in love with me.

Why do I feel disappointed about that?'

(It's because you're gay as ✨️fuck✨️ for him.)

Author's P.o.v.

Robin knew the feeling of longing for love and affection from his best friend well, it's just that... he didn't know what that feeling was.

So, when he found out how KF used love as a part of a fake story, he was disappointed, but he didn't know why.

However, despite the feelings he had at the moment, Rob took some time to think about how to tell his half of the story.

'Maybe I should talk to Bruce about this...' he thought, pressing a button on his communicator.

It took only a few seconds for Bruce to pick up.

"Is something wrong, Robin?" Bruce was quite worried, because he's both the official parent of a shit ton of vigilante orphans, he's also the unofficial parent of other vigilantes.

Dick smiled, it was extremely comforting to hear a voice from home, even more so because it was his father-figure.

"No... At least, not that I know of." He replied easily.

"What is it then? Did you run out of birdarangs?" Bruce still sounded concerned, because his gateway-drug-to-adopting-orphans-with-an-attitude seemed upset.

(He tries not to actually call Dick his son, because he dosen't want to replace his actual parents.. he can't stop thinking of him as such.)

"No, it's just that I feel strange. Like I just ate a bunch of caterpillars and they just broke out of their cocoons."

"Well Dick, you should probably go to a doctor, or come and see Alfred." You want to know his tone? Well it's, you guessed it, concerned!

"I meant like, a person was making me feel like this? Like, he'll make me feel like I'm floating sometimes, and when he helped cover for me, he said that he loved me and I think I felt disappointed when he clarified later that it was for my cover 'n-" He rambled on, and Bruce was listening along.

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