Jutchie - Saved

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Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, swears, implied sex, maybe fluff????

Crutchie sat on the roof, looking out over all the buildings in Manhattan and over the Brooklyn Bridge. He sighed, thinking about how Race was probably over there now with Spot. He glanced down and saw Albert and Finch sitting outside the lodging house, hand-in-hand. Crutchie remembered seeing Romeo and Specs outside selling together, playfully flirting, but Crutchie had no doubt about what they'd be doing when they got back. 

Crutchie was one of the only newsies without a partner. He'd had a giant crush on Jack for the longest time, he couldn't remember a time when he didn't have a crush on Jack. But... Jack had Katherine. And it was pretty damn obvious that they were together. I mean, Crutchie even saw them kiss. They were always together, talking and laughing... Man, what Crutchie would give to be in Katherine's place. 

Crutchie sighed again. 

He felt so alone even though he was surrounded by his family. He just wanted the pain of having to watch Jack and Katherine, and all the others be together, go away. He was happy for his buds, but he couldn't help but always be jealous. 

Crutchie had never done anything with anyone. If y'know what I mean. 

And he wanted to. So badly, that some days he could barely think. 

Crutchie looked out over the horizon again and was surprised to find himself thinking how much easier it would be if he just simply jumped off the roof right now. 

All his pain would be gone. Everything'd be much easier. No one would care; They all had their own partners with them. It'd just be another newsie gone. 

Maybe I's will... Crutchie thought. Just jump right now an' make everything easier. 

He stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. He noticed that Albert and Finch had gone back inside, probably to have some 'fun'. 

Crutchie looked down to the street, many, many feet below him. He looked back out at the horizon.

Should I 's really do dis? He questioned. But everything would be so much easier... No one  would even notice dat I's gone... No one cares 'bout me...

Crutchie noticed that silent tears were now running down his cheeks. He took one more step toward the edge of the roof and looked up into the sky.


Crutchie took another step, his foot hitting nothing but air.


Crutchie didn't even hear the screams.


Crutchie took one more step and felt himself start falling, then...

He wasn't falling. He was pulled back onto the roof and fell into someone's lap, still sobbing.

"Crutchie, what the fuck?!" 

Crutchie looked up and saw Jack through his blurry vision.

"I-I-I s-s-s-sorry...." Crutchie sobbed. 

Jack didn't respond and just simply pulled Crutchie closer, cradling the boy. 

"Shhhh..." Jack said soothingly, rubbing Crutchie's back and running his fingers through the boy's hair. 

Jack just kept trying to comfort Crutchie until the boy's sobs slowly faded and he was left just laying in Jack's arms. Neither of them knew how long they'd been sitting there, but they didn't care.

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