Javey - Raped

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Warnings: Rape, swears, slurs, smut

Davey had finally gotten the confidence to come out to the rest of the Newsies as gay and they were all immediately all over him about who he likes. 

"Come on!" Racetrack pleaded. "Please????"

Davey still refused and the rest of them eventually gave up and went to sleep. After they were all asleep, Davey searched all over the lodge and found Les asleep, cuddling with Match, another young Newsie that was about the same age as Les. Davey smiled, then carefully picked up Les from Match's side and headed to the exit of the Lodging house to head back home. It was only about nine pm, but it was approaching fall, so it was already pretty dark. 

"Davey?" Les asked tiredly, lifting his head from Davey's shoulder and rubbing his eyes. "Where are we going?"

"We're going home, bud," Davey answered. "It's late."

"Why're you carrying me?" 

"You were asleep, silly."

"Well I wanna walk now," Les said, sliding out of Davey's arms to the ground. "Since I'm awake." Davey chuckled. 

"That's fine." He said. "Just make sure you're holding my hand out there. It's really dark."

"Okay!" Les smiled up at Davey and Davey's heart melted. This kid's too cute. How'd I get so lucky in the brother department?  Davey and Les headed toward the door, but as soon as Les grabbed the door knob to open it,


Davey and Les turned around to see Jack standing there.

"Can I talk to you's for a minute?" He asked and Davey's stomach did a flip. Fuck, does he know?

"Y-Yeah, sure," Davey replied. "Um, Les, how about you go say bye to Race and Albert? I think they're still up playing cards." Les nodded happily.

"Ok!" He said, then ran out of the room and up the stairs. 

"So.. Uh, what's up?" Davey asked awkwardly. 

"Um, I's just wanted ta talk ta you 'bout somethin'..." He trailed off.

"Is this... Does- Does this have anything to do with me being a queer?" Davey said, asking the question he didn't want to. Jack slowly nodded, looking up at Davey nervously. He must of seen Davey tense and look down in return to jack's answer.

"No, no, no!" He said quickly, quickly running forward and putting his hands on Davey's shoulders. "It ain't like that! You's amazing! I's accept it! I's still love you's and-" He suddenly clapped a hand over his mouth as Davey's head shot up to look at Jack. "And me's uncontrollable mouth strikes again. Shit." He backs away from Davey. "I'm sorry."

"What're you sorry for?" Davey asks. "You have nothing to be sorry for." 

"No, I-I-I's- You told us that you's like guys and-and then I's come to you's with this now and I's thought that I's was-" 

"Jack, shut up."

"And I's thought 'Maybe', but I's now know that me's wrong-"


"A-and it's totally okay-"



But Jack never had time to finish the sentence due to Davey pulling him close and kissing him. Jack was surprised at first, but then happily kissed back. 

"Will you be quiet now?" Davey asked, pulling away.

"Depends what you's calls 'quiet'," Jack replied, winking. Davey pulled Jack close again and closed the space between them. Davey was about to go for Jack's belt when a small voice came from the side of the room.

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