17 - Luna's Diary (Part 2)

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As Gray turned the page, the diary emitted a dim golden glow, it wasn't very obivous, but obivous enough to catch Gray's attention. It seems like the book has some sort of magical power.. but he couldn't point it out . Curious, he continued reading, hoping to further understand this diary.

''Day 2:

Dear Diary,

I'm back, and I can't believe I'm actually writing in this thing for the second day in a row. Who would've thought I'd be so committed to document my life? Anyway, it's nighttime again, and I thought I'd share how my day went.

When I woke up this morning, I decided to confront by ''biggest'' fear by going out for a walk . I tried my best to keep a distance from every single tree in this forest. It was a challenge for uhm...obvious reasons. My imagination got me at least 10 times, mistaking rustling leaves for falling trees. I guess my brain believes that every tree is out there to get me, great.

I ended up near a big lake and I decided to spent my whole afternoon relaxing there. No trees in sight, meaning I can finally enjoy my life peacefully. Oh and surprise of the day : I had a delightful conversation with a friendly squirrel! Who knows that squirrel can be so fun to talk to?  I surely didn't know, but I'm glad I found out.

When the sun slowly began to set, the sky turned into a mix of orange and red. The clouds transformed into vibrant shades of pink. It's the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen, I'm not kidding. Maybe there is more than my irrational fear in life. Maybe, just maybe, I'll give those scary trees a chance tomorrow.

Wow, it's crazy how you can find comfort just by writing your thoughts in some paper. Tomorrow will be another day, and I will face it with courage. Who knows? Maybe I'll overcome my fear sooner than I think.

Well, off to bed now. Until tomorrow, dear diary.

Yours bravely,



Day 3:

Dear Diary,

Guess who's back for the third round of chronicling my little life? Yes, it's me, Luna, the new best diary writer. Today was, well, not very interesting, I woke up this morning, feeling calm, compared to the anticipation of the previous days. Instead of diving deeper into the forest, I went for a quieter day. Sometimes, the absence of excitement is its own kind of peace.

As I sit here, I find myself reflecting on the people who make my world brighter. There's Mia, my childhood friend. I've shared countless secrets and dreams with her. We navigated through multiple problems in life and emerged with an unbreakable bond. Our laughter echoes in my memories, and I'm grateful for the steady presence she brings to my life. Sadly, we don't really see each other anymore ; she now lives in the south part of the forest, and I live in the north.

In our cozy den, family means everything. Mom catches prey and bring it back for us. Her positivity? Contagious. It's like a comforting hug, even when the night gets a bit too wild.

Dad, our wise alpha, is the guy that gives advices. His words are like moonlight cutting through the darkness. Grounding. Reassuring. He is always here for me.

Then there's my little brother, Caden. He's the most energetic, always making our nights lively. He is like little stars lighting up our den, bringing laughter to every evening.

Together, we're a pack. A wild, loving, sometimes chaotic pack. For me, our den isn't just a shelter; it's where shared stories echo.

As the sun lazily made its way across the sky, I found myself daydreaming about the simple pleasures that bring me happiness — a shared joke with Mia, the comfort of being together with your family, or even the conversation with a squirrel.

Life is a collection of these small, beautiful moments, isn't it? Tomorrow is a new page, waiting to be written. It could be a day of tranquil reflection, or it could be the most crazy and exiting day. Either way, I'm ready to embrace it all.

Well, until tomorrow, dear diary.

Yours contentedly,

Luna. ''

Closing the diary, Gray thinks about Luna's journey in those pages. It's like he's been on an adventure with her, just through words. The night is quiet, the moon's still there, casting a warm glow. Gray's got a smile on his face. He's thankful for stumbling onto Luna's diary and read about her life. ''She is just like me, a wolf living in this forest.'' Gray thoughts ''I wish I could read more, but I think I should go sleep, I need to be ready for the next day.''

So, in the quiet of the night, Gray slowly closed his eyes and peacefully drifted to sleep in this tranquil forest.

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