Chapter 9

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Teagan's POV

I crack my eyes open and find myself facing my bedroom window. Instantly, I notice it's a lot brighter out than it should be at ten in the morning. 2:02 p.m. What!? I never sleep later than ten. I can't sleep later than ten. I have Alpha duties.

I practically leap out of bed but a muscular arm around my waist yanks me back to a hard chest. I look over to see Reece sleeping soundly. He's so adorable when he sleeps, so innocent looking. I really really want to kiss him...

"You're staring, Teagan." Reece suddenly mutters. I hastily look away as my face flushes and his grip tightens on me so I'm forced to lay my head on his chest.

"Sorry. You're just really attractive." I blurt. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit and shit. Did I really just say that aloud? I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. I really need to get some self-control when it comes to what spurts out of my mouth. It's like word vomit.

Reece chuckles softly. "I thought you didn't like me, huh?" He says opening his eyes and looking at me with plain amusement.

"Whatever," I grumble, averting my gaze. "Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I can't think you're attractive."

"Uh huh. So what else do you "not" like about me," he inquires with a sly grin on his face. I think for a second and can't help but blush slightly when I respond.

"I don't like the fact that you're nice and caring, and that you're not a complete asshole Alpha. And I absolutely hate the fact that you're so damn cuddly," I say as I snuggle deeper in his chest. Why is he so damn comfortable? I feel his chest rumble as he laughs.

"Is that so?" He asks in amusement. I nod.

"Well, do you want to know what I do and don't like about you?" He asks with a smile. I nod slightly in response.

"I like that you can be a female Alpha, the only one actually, and not act like a crazy, power hungry bitch. I like that you're absolutely gorgeous," he states sincerely and I blush. "I love that you care about your pack so much, especially Connor, Josh, Sasha, and Mikey. But I hate that you don't like me." I open my mouth to respond to that but he cuts me off. "Don't say anything. I just want to let you know that, mate or not, I'm going to get you to lov-," he stutters. "-care about me as much as I care about you." He finishes confidently. I regard him for a second before I say,

"Well Alpha Adams, it seems like you've got yourself a challenge. I guarantee you'll give up and leave me before you complete your goal. They always do." I get up off the bed and make my way to the door. Before I leave I say, "And I do like you. Very much." I wink over my shoulder and go to shower.

I massage shampoo into my scalp, and I realize I'm smiling like and idiot. Snap out of it Teagan! God I'm so stupid. Why did I have to wink at him? Why did I do that? It's not like I like him, that's ridiculous. Well, maybe as a friend, I mean he is nice. But that's it. Just friends.

"You love him, you're just denying yourself and I from our mates." My wolf whispers in my head.

"Shut the hell up," I think harshly back as I turn of the showerhead. Thankfully, she didn't answer back.

These last few days have been eerily quiet. It's now Saturday and not a thing has happened since Wednesday. We've received no messages from Roy, no attacks, no nothing. I can't help but wonder what Roy has planned for tomorrow. An even weirder thing? Reece talked to his third in command and they haven't had any attacks from Hunters either. Not since we started getting attacked as well, at least. This should be good news, but the lack of interaction with the Hunters is scaring me more than it's relieving me. At least Reece's pack is getting a break from the violence.

Speaking of Reece, things are...good. He hasn't tried anything other than being friends with me. He follows me around, watching me work and he helps me when I need it. He gets along with everyone in my pack, like he was meant to be here. I'm still doubting the whole, 'he's my mate' thing, but he's not as bad as I thought he'd be. Surprisingly, he's turning out to be a really good friend. I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea.

Mikey is still missing. We still have parties that search for him, but they're not nearly as large as they were on Wednesday night. We just don't have the resources or the time. And with Roy's threat to the party tomorrow, I need everyone to be on guard.

"Hey Reece?" I say, looking up from the papers on my desk. He's sitting across from me playing some game on his phone.

"Yeah?" He pauses game and leans forward to look at me.

"Well...I need to tell Mikey's mother that we can't continue to search for him. We need to be on guard for tomorrow and you know...," I say fidgeting awkwardly. I hate what I'm about to ask him but I don't want to do it alone. These are the sort of decisions that I have to make for the benefit of the pack, but that doesn't make it any easier. I hate myself for what I'm about to do.

"Uh huh. I understand. But what does that have to do with me..."

"Well...I was kind of wondering..." I avert my gaze and play with my hands. Reece sighs and comes over to me. He picks me up and sets me on his lap. I feel like this should make me uncomfortable, but I'm just comforted by it. He starts rubbing small circles on my back. I sigh and shift so I'm looking up at him.

"I wanted to know if you'd be there when I told her. I don't want to do it by myself, as bad as that sounds. I feel so awful but we can't keep searching...especially with tomorrow.." I trail off. Reece looks at as if I've gone mad.

"Of course I'll be here. You don't even have to ask." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding then I grinned. At least I don't have to do this alone.

"That's great, because she should be here right about..." I look at the clock. "Now." There's a knock at the door. I slide off Reece's lap and open the door to see a confused Mrs. Simmons.

"You wanted to see me, Alpha?" She says looking as if she would rather be anywhere but here. I motion her over to my desk where Reece has pulled up a chair. "Alpha Adams." She acknowledges with respect. I sigh quietly, better get this over with quick.

"Mrs. Simmons...I just wanted to inform you that today the searches for Mikey will stop. We have an alledged attack to prepare for and he's probably out of the area anyway-," I'm interrupted when Mrs. Simmons jumps up and starts shrieking.

"WHAT?! What do you mean the searches will stop?! You can't! He's all I have left! How can you do this to me!? Do you even have a heart!? I thought with you would understand, what with your train-wreck of a family-" She sneers icily, insulting me now. I thought I was going to break this to her easily, but no one is to ever bring up what happened to my parents.

"Mrs. Simmons, the searches are going to stop whether you like it or not. I can stop them, and I will. We need all of our resources for tomorrow. I called you in here to notify you about my decision, not ask your permission. You are dismissed," I say in my alpha voice, knowing she has no choice but to leave.

"Alpha?" She says, pausing and facing me when she reaches the door. I nod for her to continue.

"I thought you, of all people, would understand what it's like to lose your whole family, your whole world. I thought you would understand. I guess I was wrong." Then she turns her back on me and leaves, sniffling softly.

I feel tears well up in my eyes because I know she's right.


Oh my god!

I am so sorry for the late update! Last week both me AND my editor had drama club. With our back to back dress rehearsals, and then our shows I didn't have time to write and she didn't have time to edit. So sorry! This week, I was trying to catch up on much needed sleep and I completely forgot that Jamie had sent this chapter back to me edited. Had I known I would've posted it! My apologies.

Well here you go :3 I hope you enjoy

I'm on spring break this week so there will be many updates ^.^

Vote, follow, and comment!!!!


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