You glanced down the sides of your hallway (it was empty) before starting, "What're you doing here, Izuku?"

Izuku noted the lack of Zuccchan lately. It bothered him, but he couldn't force you to use a nickname.

He jerkily thrusted the bouquet into your arms and bowed, barely giving you any time to register his erratic actions. "I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, the top of his head parallel to the ugly orange carpet of your apartment hallway. "I know you said you hate disingenuous apologies, but I'm being genuine, and I'll always try my absolute best to be genuine with you! I'm really, really sorry! I care about you so much, [nickname], and I hope you see that, and I hate how distant we've been lately, and I really, really fucking miss you – I miss us. Also, I- I know it's kinda– well, maybe all of it's my fault, because I always say stupid things, so that's why I got you these flowers! These lilies symbolize a return to happiness and humility–"

Your rough fingers fondled with the dainty, velvety petals of the drooping bell-shaped flowers. They looked like cute little ghosts. "Oh, you did your research, huh?" You didn't expect any less from him. Thoughtful Izuku.

He nodded, though your comment slightly threw him off of his rambling. He straightened himself up, but couldn't look at you. You saw that his emerald-green eyes were misty and glistening with tears. They looked like gems, and you felt bad for making him cry, but he's right, it is his fault. "Um, basically what I'm trying to say is that... I- Just tell me how I can make it up to you. I want it to be like how it was before, and I'll do anything."

"Maybe it's for the best though," you said. You wanted to forgive him, so bad, and maybe you do, but it just won't be the same. "Maybe it's out of our control."

His eyes widened at your words, and his entire body trembled. Why are you saying that? Why are you treating your friendship like that? Like you'll just forget about him and replace him? You were about to close the door on him, but he stuck his foot in your doorway, wincing a bit when it closed against his foot. "D- Don't say that, [nickname]. I can't lose you, I can't. You're my best-"

"Izuku." You let the door slowly swing open again. "People grow apart. I- It's okay."

And he cried. You were so heartbroken. You hugged him and you felt him shivering against your chest. The chest of your shirt was soaked with his tears. You cried too as Izuku wrapped his arms around you.

"B- But I don't want to. Y- You told me to be more selfish, right? So please, [first name], let me be selfish. L... Let me hold onto you, because I don't wanna lose you. Call me Zucchan again. I wanna stick by your side at school so people know you already have a b- best friend, is that selfish? I- I don't like when you talk so much to others, because I want to be your only best friend. That's what I want, so let me be selfish for once."

You wailed into his green hair. "But you... You chose that boy over me, Izuku," you whined. "Do you think I don't miss you too? You'd be an idiot to think that."

"I was wrong. I was so wrong. Let me apologize, please."

You let go of him and wiped your tears. "You can apologize all you want, but it's just not the same. It won't be the same, Izuku," you cried, telling him the truth that you both knew already.

"L- Let me make it up to you, [nickname]. I'll do anything."

"...Anything?" you sniffled, like a little kid. Of course you're not fucking forgiving him, but you'll take advantage of this.

"A- Anything!" The devilish way you were looking down at him made him so nervous. "Well, not anything i- illegal," he backtracked.

"Okay." You snickered. "You think I would make you do something illegal??"

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