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Zoey Robinson groaned awake as she winced when her hands were burning. She opened her eyes to see darkness as she was hanging with what seems to be vervain ropes.

"Yes, she's waking up as we speak," a voice she didn't recognize say as the door opened.

The light upstairs was blinding and she couldn't see for a good moment before her eyes adjusted. She saw a man standing on top of the stairs holding a phone to his ear.

"Yes Mr. Mikaelson, I have her here in the basement and I also have her daylight ring so she can't escape unless she wants to be burned alive. You'll be here tomorrow, at what time?" "Alright well I promise to keep here here on my end until then, goodbye," he said and hung up the phone.

"Who are you?" She asked as the man was coming down the stairs hands in his pocket.

"My name is not for you to hear, however one name is. Elijah Mikaelson,"

"Elijah? You mean the guy I almost dated back in the 90's? Why is he after me?"

"He wants to come and explain what happened to him. He's hoping y'all can have another go at it since it worked so well the first time,"

"But..... I'm working on it with Damon, I'm already semi taken,"

"You won't be seeing Damon again once Elijah gets ahold of you, you know that don't you?"

"Why am I in the basement?"

"So you can't escape if you haven't realized the ropes are laced with vervain,"

"Yeah I know that dick head, release me,"

"Where do you think you'll go? You don't have your daylight ring, I do," he says showing it to her as she growled.

"Now, be a good girl and stay down here. Tomorrow the real fun begins,"

"Damon will come and find me and kill you!"

The vampire who had his back turned chuckled.

"It's what I'm hoping for, I want to be at peace not keep roaming around, the vampire life isn't what it's cracked up to be," he said before vamp speeding up the stairs leaving Zoey in the dark once more.

Stefan Salvatore finally found his brother and he wasn't in a good state. He was tearing up tree branches and throwing them in the forest. His guess is he blames himself for losing Zoey.

"Damon!" Stefan called having his brother throw one last tree branch before turning to face his brother.

"Well it took you long enough brother I was letting off some steam, you know Zoey and I bought this car in 1969 and some dickhead destroyed it!"

"It can be fixed Damon, but I think Zoey is our top priority, did you see the vampire? Before you crashed?"

"I was too busy not trying to run him over before I could becsuse from a distance he looks like a human,"

"Okay did you maybe find anything? Maybe some tracks the vampire left?"

"I couldn't locate anything..... However I do know a specific person who's excellent at tracking down vampires, you know him well he is your history teacher after all,"

"Alaric Saltzman? You want to add him to Zoey's missing problem?"

"Maybe he can get something from the dirt like footprints that I missed, or dust something off from the car I don't know Stefan I just want my girl back,"

"Alright well let's go ahead and call him. He doesn't know Zoey so he might not help us,"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take, Zoey means a lot to me,"

"I know brother," he says with a genuine smile on his face.

Zoey Robinson jerked awake the next morning she had gotten used to the vervain ropes by now.

The door opened and in came the Vampire she still doesn't know.

"Good your awake I was about to splash vervain on you to wake you up," he says as Zoey narrowed her eyes.

"How long are you keeping me prisoner here?"

"Elijah will be here today around noon after that your free to go,"

"As in back to Damon?"

"More like with Elijah, he has plans for the both of you," he says cutting the vervain ropes as Zoey fell to the ground.

She rubbed her sore wrists together before going to the vampire and pinning him against the wall. Her face vamped out with dark lines in her eyes and super sharp teeth.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now!" She threatened as the man smirked.

"Kill me and you'll never see the sun again, I've hidden your daylight ring in a special place, and you can't go upstairs either sunlight will turn you into a crisp,"

"Damn you, I want my ring back!" She shouted before forcefully letting him go.

"Not until Elijah shows up, only then will I give it back, your free to roam around until then, just don't go upstairs or it's bye bye for you," he says smiling before running up the stairs in speed and shut the door.

Once gone, Zoey couldn't help but drop to the floor crying.

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