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"Your posture is wrong" reader hears as her back is slammed to the ground for the 50th time "ugh" "you had blind spots that even an infant can see

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"Your posture is wrong" reader hears as her back is slammed to the ground for the 50th time "ugh" "you had blind spots that even an infant can see." Aizawa narrows his eyes at reader 'for I guy who looks more homeless than me he sure packs a punch' reader thinks pulling herself up. Reader feels someone get behind her and grabs her arm. "Like this" aizawa voice rang out from behind her.

He used his hand to guide her arms into a wide stance position and kicking her feet to move apart. Now moving to stand in front of reader aizawa states "now swing forward" reader leans and swing her right hand and strikes. Moving his head aizawa side steps it grabbing reader arm and slinging over her back and onto the floor "ghk" reader groans "that's enough for know do ten laps before you leave" aizawa says making reader heave a sigh as she sits up.

"I don't get it why am I doing this didn't you guys say the entrance exam was full of robots" reader frowns "shouldn't I be working on quirk training" aizawa sighs and looks tworads reader "quirk training isn't something I could help with that's midnight you should be talking to and besides" he points to her chest "what's in there isn't the only thing you need to be a hero you also need what's in here" he points to her head and reader looks down thinking.

"We'll continue this the day after tomorrow talk to midnight then" he says walking away and reader smiles getting ready to move "don't forget your ten laps" "dang it"


"Well if it isn't my favorite person in the world" midnight rushes to reader once she steps out the car with all might "ohh don't you look adorable I love the youth" midnight says as she crushes readers face in her bosoms "nicight to seem youff to mishh midnight" reader says her words being muffled. After releasing her reader breath in some fresh air.

All might pats her shoulder "ill be here to pick you up later" he turns to midnight "take care" he turns and leaves "come on reader lets get you ready" reader looks at her confused "ready for what" midnight giggles and smiles at her "were going shopping" 'huh'

"No" "uh un" "definitely not" "to pink" "to blue" and "to green" word after word reader puts back the clothes she picks. Starting to get annoyed reader turns to midnight "how about you pick some stuff out for me and well see of I like them or not" she says her voice sounding strained but midnight didn't seem to notice because she gasp in excitement and agrees "your right wait right here I'll be back" she runs of and reader sweat drops

Sitting down on the bench reader keeps to herself 'i wonder if I get in to U.A will I have to make friends' reader shudders at the thought. Surprised Reader turns her head to squealing only to see a group a girls but one of them stood out having pink skin and even lighter pink hair 'woah is that apart of her quirk' feeling a longing stare on her the pink haired girl turns her head and reader squeaks and turns her head away 'uh oh did she see me staring' embarrassed at getting caught reader thinks 'midmight please hurry back'

And if was as the gods answer her prayer "ok sweetie I've picked everything I thought would look good on you" midnight exclaims "get up lets try it on" she says and reader looks up at the pile of clothes 'Oh this is gonna take a long time'

"Oh my wasn't that just a lovely little time we had together" midnight sighs lovingly reader looks at her from the side "yeah sure" she says sitting the bags on the couch "sadly it's time to get to the serious part" midnight exspress sadly 'huh does she mean training or' midnight gestures to reader "go on puts something comfortable on" she says and reader dosen't waste any time to listen to her.


"Bye bye reader see you next time" midnight says from the door of her house reader shudders but still willing to wave at her "see you soon ms midnight" 'hopefully not so soon' reader thinks reminiscing about the horror shopping spree and interesting quirk training "well it seems you gotta along with midnight just swell" all might chuckles at her as she steps into the car "I wish it was the opposite" he chuckles again.

"Hey all might" "hmm" uncertain on whether to ask or not reader gulps "umm I was wondering when did this happens to you" silence filled the car "nevermind forget I as-" " it was during I fight with a certain villain and it wasn't so long ago" reader's eyes widened "and because of him I got this" he lifts the side of his shirt up slightly and at this point readers eyes are building.

Noticing her discomfort all might sets the shirt down still focusing on the road "I survived luckily but some changes came along with it" he speaks and reader stays quiets until "huk hik" reader tries to hold back the tears in her eyes "this is why I admired you all might you stay strong even when your the one hurting" she says and all might puts a stop to the car "you smile when everyone is hurts to show them it's ok"

Not knowing how to properly care for someone crying all might awkwardly pats readers head "it's alright reader I'm glad you think of me that way" wiping her tears reader turns to all might "all might do you think I'll be able to get in" "of course young (reader) and once you do I'll want you to meet someone for me"

Reader tilts her head confused 'huh'

Reader tilts her head confused 'huh'

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