Leo hadn't moved from his spot in the lake, hopefully not sensing my presence. If I could just back away slowly, he'd never know I was out here.

Unfortunately, my curiosity was winning the battle, keeping me rooted in my hiding spot, studying the male.

What was he like when no one was watching?

I didn't know much about him, seeing as he didn't really speak all that much, especially not to Omegas.

Why was that? Nothing in Anders's story about him really spoke about why. Was it some sort of respect thing to other Alphas, not stepping on their toes and whatnot?

But that felt wrong to me. It didn't fit what little I knew of his character. And from Anders's story, he wouldn't back away from challenging another Alpha. Especially since it was likely he'd win any battle for dominance.

It wasn't as though he had been unkind though. If anything, Leo always went out of his way to help, me in particular, from the moment we met. It's the thing that annoyed me most about him, the idea that he didn't think me capable of taking care of myself because he was the Alpha and I was the Omega.

When did my thoughts change?

Was it because suddenly I had all of his attention?

A warmth spread across my cheeks as I recalled all the fleeting moments of interaction with him–the depth of his gaze, the rare but genuine smiles, and the silence that always seemed to surround him. Was it a protective barrier? Something similar to the wall I held up to keep the vulnerability at bay?

With a grace that seemed almost choreographed, Leo stepped even deeper into the waters, sending ripples across its smooth surface. As he submerged himself, the water seemed to welcome him, enveloping him in its cool embrace. He emerged moments later, hardly making a splash.

Droplets of water glistened on his skin. He began floating effortlessly, his eyes fixed on the canopy above, a sight of vulnerability and introspection, so unlike the sides of him I was allowed to see.

My heart raced. Every movement of Leo's, every silent moment, drew me in further. And yet, the fear of crossing an unspoken boundary held me back. In my indecision, I shifted my weight, causing a twig beneath my foot to snap loudly.

Rookie mistake.

Instantly, Leo's head turned in my direction, his piercing green gaze trying to penetrate the shadows of the trees, slowly settling on the tree I hid behind.

My heart stopped, the sensation of being discovered making me feel both vulnerable and exhilarated.

There was no way he could see me, but I didn't dare peek out and check. He could still be looking.

Why am I hiding?

Taking a deep breath, I peeked around the corner, scanning the lake for Leo but he was gone and there were no ripples in the water to tell me which direction he had taken or where he had submerged himself.

One minute...two.

Could he really hold his breath that long?

With a hesitant step, I moved from my hiding spot, drawn to the water's edge out of concern. Still, Leo hadn't emerged.

"Leo?" I called with a frown.


Where had he–?

I took a step back and bumped into a solid wall of muscle.

With an embarrassing yelp, I spun around and came face to face with the frustratingly elusive Alpha.

Naked and glimmering with the tiny droplets of water, he stared down at me, expression intense, but he didn't utter a word.

"What the hell? Don't sneak up on me!"

He glanced down at the knife I had unsheathed out of pure instinct. A quick flash of approval colored his expression before it fell blank again.

We stared at each other in silence, me studying him and him studying me in return.

"I thought you were going to check traps, not take a dip in the lake," I chided, not sure why I was being mean. It was half-hearted at best, a desperate attempt not to let myself get swept up in my hormones or in him. He didn't seem bothered, likely used to it at this point.

Instead of answering my question, his hand came up and brushed along my jaw. I don't know why I leaned into his touch, letting him tilt my head to the side and expose my neck. I don't even know why I didn't protest when his face drew nearer as his nose skimmed the sensitive skin there.

Breathless, my lips parted, eyes nearly glazing over as the promise of his scent began to pierce through my defenses.

Smooth, warm, and wet, his tongue painted along my throat until the tip caught the bottom edge of my ear.


Who knew getting licked would be such an immense turn on?

"You're not fighting me," he said. His deep voice was a raspy whisper.

"No," I admitted with a shiver.

I wasn't. I don't know why I wasn't, but anything he did at this moment would absolutely be consensual.

He pulled back, fingers gripping the tip of my chin as he studied me. I could only imagine what I looked like...sex deprived and wanting. It was an undeniable invitation.

Would he take advantage of this moment? This atmosphere?

"Let's head back," he said softly, pulling back and reaching for his clothes, leaving me breathless with a heaving chest.

Should I have been angry about the rejection?

Maybe I would have been in the past, seeing it as more of a reflection of my worth rather than a sign of respect. But the restraint it must have taken for him to step away from what I so clearly offered?

It only made me like him more.

A/N: Gotta love Leo...

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