Flour spread over our faces, we both laugh at the sight of each other. I'm sure he doesn't even look half as stupid as I do.

"Okay that was something... Now we need the eggs" the chef chimes in with a chuckle, reminding me that he's here as well. For the millionth time, embarrassment flushes my cheeks.

We continue mixing up all the ingredients, Julius causing a couple of incidents along the way. Finally we put the dough out on table ready to form the cookies.

"This one is a heart!" Julius cutely exclaims, showing me the barely visible heart. "Wow! You're good at this!" The chef lies to Julius, acting amazed over the cookie.

"Caro, can you help me make a race car?" Julius asks, picking up a piece of dough. A race car? The chef sends me a good luck smile, as he chuckles.

"Sure, do you want to make a f1 car?" I ask, and Julius excitedly nods in answer. God, how am I supposed to make that happen?

"We can make Papa's car!" Julius suggests, his eyes lighting up. I smile, if only someone adored me the way Julius adores Charles.

I start to form the cookie, not even coming remotely close to a car. I laugh at the sight of my attempt at the Ferrari, engraving the number 16 so you at least can guess it has something to do with Charles...

I look over to Julius, who is trying to hold in a laugh. I clearly did not meet his expectations.

"Chef, can you form it for me?" Julius asks him, ignoring the fact I'm standing right next to him with my slightly pretty cookie.

The chef agrees, and Julius immediately realises it was the right choice to choose the chef. Because oh my god. It actually looks like a f1 car.

"I'm sorry Caro, but Mr. Chef did a much better job than you" Julius says, shrugging like he didn't just insult my cookie. But when I look at my cookie, I get him.

It's not even a car. Literally just a weird shape with the number 16 engraved.

"Let's put them in the oven!" The chef excitingly says, picking up the baking tray. To be fair, we did a pretty good job on the other cookies.

Christmas trees, hearts, and some weird shaped cookies Julius made, lay sprayed across the tray, as Last Christmas plays through the kitchen speaker.

Once the cookies are in the oven, Julius becomes impatient, boredom quickly taking over him. I pick up the remote for the speaker, turning up the volume so high, the whole paddock might be able to hear it.

A smile growing on my lips, my absolute favourite Christmas song blasting at full volume, I pick Julius off the counter top.

Having the kitchen to ourselves, since the chef left, I start singing along to the lyrics, rocking to the rhythm with Julius in my hip.

"Once bitten and twice shy" I sing along, a laugh erupting from Julius, probably because of my horrible voice.

Putting Julius down on the ground, I begin to dance trying to get Julius to join me. "I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye!" I sing, finally getting Julius to dance along, the cutest dance move of the century coming from him.

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