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Tom's POV
We arrived to my house and she started walking to the kitchen and sat down.
She took out her phone and was looking at something and when I walked over I saw her almost crying like she was trying to hold it in.

"Oh my god y/n why are you crying, are you okay?" I said worried
"Oh no it's nothing Tom" she said while wiping her eyes
"It's okay come here" I said and gave her a hug.

She hugged me back and started sobbing. I hate to see her like this. I need to know what happened but first I wanna let her know she can cry to me anytime.
I started to stroke her hair. I picked her up and walked over to the couch and put her on me making her still hugging me and crying. "It's okay my luv I'm here" I said

She started to calm down and then looked up at me. I saw her eyes red and puffy. I hate to see Y/n like this. I'm gonna get to the bottom of it when I get the chance but for right now I just need to be here to comfort her.

He continued to look up at me then that's when I noticed she kept staring at my lips and then she reached for my face and kissed me.

She gave me a small kiss then looked down again.
"Y/n.." I said
"Hm?" She said and I could hear the cracks in her voice.

"You do know I will always love you and I always have and you know that right?" I said looking down at her.
"Mhm" she replied staying still.
"Okay then so please just tell me what happened" I said
"Tom..I can't" she said
I picked her up again and placed her on the couch and I got up and stood up in front of her when I went down to her height and asked again.

"Y/n your gonna tell me what happened" I said now being serious
"Tom it's not important, I don't even know why I would say that. I was just messing around cause nothing happened" she said still looking down but not at me.

I could tell something was up. She just won't break and tell me.

I could tell Tom was worried but I just couldn't tell him what happened at the party I went to last year..
I can't let him find out I got raped. He would kill that guy.

"Excuse me" I said as I got up and ran to the bathroom upstairs by Bill's room
I closed the door behind me and sat down quick before I could fall.
I started shaking like crazy and then I started crying and then it went from crying to sobbing.

I was sobbing uncontrollably.
I just kept thinking about how when I was at the party last year I had no one there to protect me.

I was at a party and I was wearing a black tight dress with black heels and black bag.
I was just drinking at the kitchen counter with all the liquor and then some guy came up to me. He said fluffy ginger hair and was wearing a plain outfit.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" He said smirking
That's when I turned to his face and he looked like he was older than me.
"I'm mike, what's your name" he asked me smirking
I really didn't wanna flirt back so I just said in a normal tone.
"I'm Kali" I said quickly making up a random name. I didn't want this random dude knowing my actual name ofc.

"It's nice to meet you kali" he said smirking at me
"Wanna dance" he said offering his hand to me.
I didn't wanna be rude and I was already drunk off my mind so I just accepted it.
I took his hand and he brought me to the dance area.
Everything was going fine until he kept trying to grab my ass while dancing.
I didn't like it cause I had just met the dude and he was gripping hard and not in a pleasing way. I could tell by the way he was looking into my eyes that he was more drunk than I was.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me even more closer to him.
"Your so hot" he said biting his lips (ew🤢)
I made a stink face and pushed his hands off of me.
"We'll it's been nice but uh I'm gonna go now" I said awkwardly.
"What no you haven't seen the best part baby" he said getting aggressive towards my body
"Can you please stop touching me man" I said trying to get his hands off of me.

Tom Kaulitz x y/n Where stories live. Discover now