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It's the next morning.
U wake up and feel heavy.
U go to school looking like shit.
Jess: U ok u look like crap.
Nate: I feel like it.
Sam: What wrong.
Nate: Quinn and I broke up.
Jess: What!
Nate: Keep your voice down ok. I was getting ready this morning and she said she wants to break up.
Finn: why?
Nate: I don't know all I got was it doesn't matter anymore I don't love me.
Finn: Last night would say otherwise.
Nate: Exactly but apparently I'm dumber than a bag of chips.
Quinn walks in and see u talking to the guys.
Nate: Welp here she comes remember don't say shit.
They go sit back down beside Jessie he sits next to u.
Mr.Sue: Nate u ok u don't look to well.
Nate: No I have a fever of 104 I've had a hour of sleep and I'm running on a can of red bull.
Kurt: I swear I'm going to kill u.
Blaine:Nate u should be at home resting.
Nate: No I'm fine just need to be with someone so I don't do anything stupid.
Blaine: ok come on we r heading home.
Quinn: He's fine -
Blaine: Did I ask no Nate lest go.
Nate: Ok ok I'm going.
Jessie: I'm going with you because I frankly can't be here without losing it.
Nate: Yea let's not do that.
U guys get home and u stay home for like 10 days.
After that u go back.
Finn: Good to see u guys.
Nate: I feel amazing I slept for like 19 hours.
Jessie: Yea the time alone was needed for all 3 of us.
Nate: it let me think about what happened and let me work on myself.
Jess: Yea all 3 of us just got Nate better and worked on our selfs.
Mr.Sue: So we feeling good today guys?
Nate: Let me show u.
U get up.
Blaine: That's my boy
Jessie: Yes daddy
Nate: A yo
U guys laugh.

Finn: Who was that for.
Nate: Quinn actually.
Jess: We talked about this.
Nate: I know but I wanted it off my chest.
U go sit back down
After a bit u guys r chilling at your house when Quinn and Santana walk in.
Jess: hey ladies.
Quinn: Where is Nate?
Nate: Behind u.
U walk through with pizza.
Quinn: Hey can we talk.
Nate: Sure whats up? Hey paws off Jessie.
Jess: I want a slice.
Nate: Fine.
Quinn: I think I'm pregnant.
U choke on your water.
Nate: Huh!
Quinn: I'm pretty sure it's yours.
Nate: So u broke up with me because u thought u were pregnant and that I would be mad and wouldn't love u?
Quinn: Exactly.
Nate: Quinn I love you I always have. No matter what gets in our way we can figure it out.
Quinn:But I don't want to have a kid again.
Nate: Ok so if u r pregnant we don't have it whatever you want to do I fully support.
Quinn lays down next to you.
Nate: Ok so if we make this a higher then that will help the song.
Jessie: yea absolutely.
Quinn: Attention.
U grab her and put her on your lap.
Nate: Always but I'm busy with work so this will have to do.
Quinn: I'm getting attention so I don't care.
Nate: Marry me.
Jessie: What?
Quinn: Come again.
Nate: Marry me. I realized I don't to love anyone else besides you and i know we r young but love has no end when it comes to us.
Quinn: Yes
U guys kiss.
Jessie: Dibs on best man
U hear something.
Jessie: Did u hear-
U put your finger up to say be quiet
U hear a gun load.
U rush everyone into the closet.
Nate: Call 911 and stay here don't come out until me or the cops get back.
U walk out
after about 20 minutes the cops show up
Cop: Hey it's ok
Jessie runs out to find you.
He sees u eating a yogurt.
Nate: Sup I got hungry about half way.
U walk back upstairs
Quinn hugs u
U kiss Quinn.
After 2 hours the cops leave.
Nate: Yes music room
U guys head

Quinn smiles because u made it for her
U guys get to school.
Sam: Hey u ok?
Nate: Yes Im good.
Mr.Sue: Today we r lesson is about lose
Jessie: Hey that leads us into our song.
Nate: I know kinda freaky.
Quinn: What?
Nate: Oh me and Jessie have been working on a song of my dad the past few days.
U guys sit in front of the class.
Nate: Hit it

U and Jessie wipe away tears
Sam runs up and hugs u
Nate: I actually have one more for my step mom.
Sam: U sure?
Nate: Yea
Quinn walks up and hugs u
Nate: I love you.
Quinn: I love you too babe
Quinn sits next to you.
Nate: Welp here goes nothing

Jessie takes off his guitar and hugs u tight.
Sam and Finn join.
Nate: God bless.
Finn laughed
U guys separate
Quinn wipes tears u still had.
Mr.Sue: How about we lift up the mood.
U start laughing
Jessie Marley and Sarah join.
Nate: ok bet

Quinn hugs u
Quinn: My man is amazing.
Blaine: A men
Kurt: Normally id slap you but that was needed babe.
Mr.Sue:How come u seem so happy Nate?
Nate:My secret is I'm always sad but I keep up a front so no one knows.
Nate:It's cool I've lost my dad, mom, step mom and I've lost Marley and Sarah I'm just counting down the days till Quinn leaves.
Quinn:I'm not going to.
Nate: They said the exact same thing. It's just something about me that repels everyone around me.
Quinn:no  matter what we r together.
Nate: Blaine I need u for this one

Quinn: I promise I will never leave you. We r forever.
Blaine: I love you guys but I'm stealing him for a song.
Nate: Not stealing if I go willingly.
Kurt: Honey that kidnapping.
Nate: See
Blaine: Ready?
Nate: Yep

U and Blaine smile.
Nate: Idk about u Blaine but I'm pretty happy with my lover
Blaine: Me too He funny.
Nate: Check
Blaine: Drives me wild
Nate: Check
Blaine: Let's not forget the kisses that make u feel like your on cloud nine.
Nate: and the hugs it's like hugging a teddy bear.
If that teddy bear was hot and blonde for my case.
Everyone laughed
Quinn: I don't know about you 2 sometimes.
Kurt: Quick let's go on vacation.
Blaine: Oh Lord no.
Nate: Please leave me , Blaine,Sam Finn,puck, Mike ,and Artie alone unsupervised.
Jessie: Hey!
Nate: what someone has to drive to the hospital if we do something stupid.
Quinn: When u do your bachelor party nothing stupid please.
Nate: I promise.

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