2. green thing in a washing machine

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"Hey, Sweets"


"Y/n, I swear-"



"HUH!?" I immediately sprang to life from my bed and looked around frantically. There were no 6'4 hot men robbing us. I was lied to. Again. 

I glared at my aunt standing by my door. "What's wrong with you?" I rubbed my eyes. She scoffed a laugh and took a drag from her cigarette. "It's about time you woke up, it's 1pm, we got a lot to do today. C'mon, up and at 'em." she walked out. 

I exhaled and plopped back down on my bed for another ten minutes before ultimately getting back up. My room was barren with just a bed and dresser and multiple cardboard boxes stacked together and pushed against the wall. My floor was carpeted red. I looked at my reflection in my dresser's mirror. I was wearing a loose tank top and what looked like men's boxers. Where did those come from? 

I suddenly got an intense sense of deja vu. "Oh gosh.." it made me falter slightly. The longer I looked at my reflection, the stronger it got until I finally left the mirror alone. "So weird.." 

Though the sensation was much weaker now, still nothing truly felt right. I decided to ignore it. 

I found one of my boxes was labeled 'clothes', so I began digging through them to find an outfit. A lot of the clothes were vintage from the 70s to 80s. I got sudden memories of my mom wearing these clothes. She really liked fashion, especially vintage. Never wore anything dull. These clothes were hand-me-downs.

But the memories didn't feel correct...whatever.

I randomly picked out a pair of bellbottoms with colorful embroidery on the sides and a tank top. Once I dressed, I went out to the living room to help aunt Eliza unpack our stuff. She was waiting for me, smoking. There was an ash tray placed on the counter with a couple of cigarette butts in them. 

"Of course you unpacked the ash trays first" 

"Priorities first, y'know" she took a drag and blew some into my face. I coughed and glared at her. 

"Can you smoke somewhere else? I'll be starting school soon and the last thing I want is to smell like smoke every day." I walked over to a random box and tried tearing it open with my bare hands. 

Aunt Eliza was quiet for a moment, finishing her cigarette then putting it out. "Maybe." she then came over and handed me a box cutter. "Use this so you don't break a nail." 

We spent the afternoon unpacking and organizing and before long, it was dark out. After we finished, we sat at our small dinner table, playing a card game. 

"Do you think you'll make some new friends this time?" she asked as she studied her cards. I looked up from mine for a moment. "Dunno." I replied. 

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