"Minju!" she called out.

Minju didn't turn.


Minju didn't seem to hear her.

She took few steps back and strode forward, running fast. Upon reaching the edge of the cliff, Winter jumped as high as she could. She thought she's going to make it -- she was sure she could - - but due to unknown elements, while in the air, she saw the gap of the cliffs became wider, making her land on both hands holding onto the the edge of the other cliff.

"Minju! Help me!" She looked down and saw the wild current of water.

She tried to rest her right foot on a stone bump but it cracked and fell immediately. She looked up and saw Minju staring down at her.

"Minju, help me. I don't wanna fall!"


She heard a voice. She was sure it wasn't Minju's. She didn't even saw Minju's lips move. She looked around and there's no one else but them. She looked up again.

"Minju, please? Don't let me down again."


The voice is louder this time. She felt her world shaking and everything is falling into the abyss. Her left hand slipped it's grip from the stone. She's now hanging with one hand.

The quake intensity increased. Little by little the cliff's edge cracked and she fell, having the last glimpse of Irene looking down at her.


"MINJU!" Winter cried out, getting up from the couch.

Karina didn't move for a second. Winter's face is leveling hers, eyes locked into hers. Her mind is full of unexplainable feelings towards this Minju girl that she's heard for the third time now.

Winter looked down, gasping for air. She's sweating.

"Winter?" Karina tugged Winter's sleeve. "Are you okay?"

Winter slowly nodded. She covered her chin and mouth with a hand and looked away.

"You're... You're having a nightmare... I had to wake you up."

"Yeah... Sorry about that. Thanks, Karina."

"Are you sure you're okay now?"

"'Mmm-mmm. Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Okay." Karina felt at ease this time. She moved away and sat on the other end of the sofa. "By the way can I use your phone? I need to call my mom. My battery's empty. I'm pretty sure she's already worried about me."

Winter removed the blanket from her body and stood up from the couch. "Sure. Go ahead," she said, pointing at the phone on the table.

"Just do your thing. I'll just wash my face."

"Okay. Thanks.


That surely was a weird dream.

Winter stared at her reflection in the mirror, making sure she looks refreshed now.

She went out from the bathroom and heard Karina talking to her mom on the phone.

"Sorry, mom, my battery's drained so I wasn't able to call you right away." Karina became silent while listening to the person on the other line. "Yeah, I'm with a female friend right now. I'll be home in a few hours." Silence again.

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