Descending into the Abyss, Unveiling Secrets and Embracing Power

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Don't you hear it?
The footsteps of uneasiness.
Creeping and lurking in the shadows of your minds
Waiting to attack
They're coming for you!
Carefully strategizing and planning.
They're coming for you!
They've been watching your every move. They know what you do.Who you talk to.Where you eat.Where you sleep. They know your friends.
By coming for you they won't attack you first. It's those close to you. The people you hold nearest and dearest to your heart.
They'll break you. Mentally and emotionally. Till you come begging and surrender yourself to them.
Just when you think the torture has ended your life flashes before your eyes, You're happy that you can finally die; But alas you're stuck in the cruel world with those that took everything from you.Now your heart burns with revenge. But as your heart races with revenge, you realize that you must train harder and become stronger than them to perfectly exact your revenge
You can't help but question yourself this riddle "what exactly is stronger than the universe?"
Suddenly the more you question, the more you realize how far and large the universe is and how insignificant and small of a pebble you are, But then doubt sets in after studying them for a while and so you ask, are they really the universe? Or are they just trying to impose to be as the universe?
So before your quest of revenge you take on a quest of knowledge, little did you know that the more you look into the abyss, the more the abyss looks into you, thus making you somewhat god-like.
Well, I'm going to dive deeper into the abyss and see where it takes me. As I ventured further, the darkness seemed to consume everything, yet there was a strange sense of familiarity, like I've been here before.
It was as if there was a being in the abyss or the abyss itself was alive. Whispering secrets of the depths. Intriguing.
My curiosity got be best of me as I dived deeper into the abyss. It then kept pushing me deeper and deeper. After each push I felt a surge of power, understanding and wisdom.
It felt like I was prying into something greater than me. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. I felt free but inside of me fear resided. I wanted to go deeper but it came to my notice that traces of my existence started blurring.
What is happening? What is this feeling?
As I continued, I wondered "will I ever get to the bottom of the abyss?"
Would I become god-like?
What would happen if I ever get to the bottom and embrace the true powers of the abyss?
I'm left with series of questions but only time will tell.....

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