Chapter 36

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In the oppressive stillness of the early morning, Emily awoke with a gasp, her heart racing in wild panic. The room, cloaked in shadows, felt alien, as if it had transformed overnight into a chamber of unspeakable horrors. She lay frozen, her breath shallow, as a sense of dread crept over her.

Then, the moonlight revealed it – a lifeless form sprawled grotesquely at the foot of her bed. Emily's mind recoiled in horror, refusing to accept the ghastly sight before her. A body, another body, here in the sanctum of her own home.

She stumbled out of bed, her movements disjointed, disjointed like a marionette jerked by unseen strings. Her gaze, filled with terror, was fixed on the horrifying tableau before her. The face of the victim, twisted in a final expression of terror, seemed to accuse her from beyond the grave.

A wave of nausea overtook her, and for a moment, the room spun wildly. "No, no, no," she murmured, her voice barely audible. The memory of the last time, the police, the accusations – it all came flooding back in a torrent of despair.

Outside, the first hints of dawn cast a pale light through the curtains, throwing ghostly shadows across the room. Emily's mind raced with fragmented thoughts, each more terrifying than the last. Had she done this? Was this another ghastly act committed during her lost hours of sleepwalking?

The distant sound of a dog barking jerked her back to the present. She realized with a jolt of fear that soon the house would be swarming with police, their questions like daggers, their suspicion a suffocating shroud.

She thought to call Mark, but the memory of his departure, the unspoken tension between them, stopped her. She felt utterly alone, abandoned in her most desperate hour. The walls of her home, once a haven, now felt like the bars of a prison, trapping her with her nightmarish reality.

In a moment of eerie calm amidst the chaos of her thoughts, Emily's mind wandered to the first day she had moved into this house with Mark. A day filled with laughter and dreams. Now, those same walls bore witness to a terror so profound it threatened to engulf her.

Her eyes fell on the phone. Maybe she should call Lisa. But what would she say? 'I woke up with another dead body in my house'? The words were too surreal, too nightmarish even for her fractured reality.

Emily's mind flashed back to the first murder, the disbelief, the fear. Now, it was happening again, and the world outside her door, the world of Willow Creek, would never look at her the same way. She was the woman who woke up next to corpses, a pariah shrouded in a mystery too dark to fathom.

With trembling hands, she approached the body, as if drawn by a morbid curiosity. The blood, the stillness of death, it was all too real, too visceral. A sob caught in her throat, a sound of despair for the victim, for herself, for the life she once knew that was unraveling before her eyes.

As the first rays of the sun began to filter through the curtains, casting a new light on the ghastly scene, Emily knew that the coming day would bring questions, accusations, and a reality from which there was no escape. The dawn was not a promise of a new day but the harbinger of a nightmare that was all too real.

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