Chapter 15

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Emily sat on the edge of their bed, her fingers nervously twined together. The room was dim, the bedside lamp casting a soft, golden glow. Mark was beside her, his face a mix of concern and confusion.

"Em, we gotta talk," Mark said, his voice tinged with caution. "You sleepwalking again – it's not just weird, it's dangerous. You're waking up next to dead bodies, for God's sake."

Emily looked away, her heart pounding. She'd been dodging this conversation, dodging the reality of her situation. But mark was right; they couldn't ignore it anymore.

"I get it, Mark," she said softly, her voice shaky. "I don't get what's happening either. It's like I'm not even myself when it happens."

Mark took her hand, his grip firm but gentle. "Then maybe it's time to see someone, Em. A doctor, a specialist, someone who can figure this out."

The suggestion hung heavy between them. Emily had thought about it, but the idea of medical test, of psychiatric evaluations, scared her. What if they found something? What if they didn't?

"Mark, what if they say I'm... messed up? What if they lock me up?" Emily's voice wavered, her eyes moistening.

Mark pulled her close, his arms enveloping her. "We'll deal with that if it comes, Em. But we can't keep going like this. You need answers, and that means taking the leap."

Emily felt a knot tighten in her gut, but she knew he as right. She needed to understand what was happening, for her own sanity and for their future together. Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

"Alright," she said, her voice tinged with resolve. "I'll make the appointment."

Mark kissed her forehead, his eyes a blend of relief and lingering worry. "I love you, Em. We'll get through this, no matter what."

As Emily picked up her phone to search for specialist, a sense of foreboding washed over her. Their lives were on the brink of change, and whether it was for better or worse, she was taking that first, terrifying step.

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