Chapter 35

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Lisa sat in her cramped home office, the glow from her laptop casting shadows across the room. Outside, the quiet streets of Willow Creek lay shrouded in the evening's embrace, a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts raging in her mind. Her gaze shifted from the screen to the window, where the dimly lit homes of her neighbors stood like silent sentinels, hiding the secrets of the town she thought she knew.

As she sifted through her notes on the recent events, a particular detail nagged at her – Mark's sudden business trip. It felt too convenient, the timing too coincidental with the increasing turmoil surrounding Emily. Doubts swirled in Lisa's mind, casting a shadow over every memory she had of Mark, turning the familiar into something untrustworthy.

Determined to shed light on her suspicions, Lisa decided to step out into the cool night air. Pulling her jacket tighter around her, she walked through the quiet streets, her footsteps echoing in the stillness. The familiar houses she passed seemed different now, as if they were hiding secrets behind their curtained windows.

Her first stop was the Johnsons' house next door to Emily's. Mrs. Johnson, always keen on neighborhood gossip, might have noticed something about Mark's comings and goings. Lisa rapped gently on the door, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

"Lisa, dear, what brings you here at this hour?" Mrs. Johnson asked, her eyes wide with surprise as she opened the door.

"I was just wondering if you've noticed anything unusual about Mark recently," Lisa ventured, trying to sound casual.

Mrs. Johnson paused, her brow furrowing. "Well, now that you mention it, he has been coming home late a few times. Saw his car pulling in well past midnight last week. Thought it was odd."

Lisa thanked Mrs. Johnson and continued her impromptu investigation, her mind racing. Each piece of information added weight to her suspicions but also deepened her reluctance to believe that Mark could be involved in something sinister.

She wandered aimlessly, her thoughts a tangled web. The night air was cool, but Lisa felt a heat rising in her chest – a mixture of fear and determination. She found herself outside the local diner, a place Mark frequented. On a whim, she stepped inside.

The diner was nearly empty, save for a few late-night patrons. Lisa approached the counter, where the owner, Pete, was wiping down the surfaces.

"Pete, have you seen Mark around lately?" she asked, her voice tinged with a forced nonchalance.

Pete scratched his head. "Yeah, he's been in a few times. Always sits in the corner, keeps to himself. Last time was... oh, a couple of days before he left town. Seemed on edge, now that I think about it."

Lisa's heart sank. Every new piece of information seemed to point towards something she didn't want to face. She thanked Pete and left the diner, the bell above the door jingling in the quiet.

As she walked back home, Lisa's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fears. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly fitting together, but the picture they were forming was one she was afraid to confront.

Back in her apartment, Lisa sat at the window, staring out into the night. The doubts about Mark were gnawing at her, but so was the guilt of suspecting him. She knew she couldn't keep these suspicions to herself much longer. Emily deserved to know, deserved the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

As the night deepened, Lisa felt a sense of resolve settling over her. Tomorrow, she would talk to Emily. Tomorrow, she would step further into the mystery that Willow Creek had become. But tonight, she would sit with her thoughts, the silent guardian of a secret that was slowly unraveling the fabric of their lives.

Awake In The ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora