Not Broken - PrapaiSky

Start from the beginning

Time went by quickly and Prapai returned. He closed the door behind him once he got in and took off his shoes, leaving them at the entrance.

“Sky, I’m back!” he exclaimed once he saw that the boy hadn’t gone to greet him at the door.

He walked around the condo, trying to see where he was as he kept calling him. Once he got to their room, he was glad to see his beloved there, but right away he could tell something was wrong.

“Sky? What’s wrong?” he asked as he ran towards him, shaking his body as he saw that he was not responding. 

The younger one was so lost in the nothingness that he had been left staring emptily, appearing lifeless. 

“Sky! Sky, please, say something!” begged the tall man as he kept trying to make him come to his senses by shaking him. 

He was very worried, not really knowing if he had dissociated just like that one time or if he had had any sort of attack. Fortunately, the boy didn’t take too long to become aware again. He was left confused for a moment when he saw the look of worry on his boyfriend’s face, but then he realized that he had dissociated after having relapsed. Prapai quickly pulled him into his arms, hugging him as tight as he could.

“I was so worried seeing how unresponsive you were!” said Prapai, embracing him as if fearing he would suddenly vanish. “What happened? What made you dissociate?”

The younger one clutched his shirt as he teared up. Prapai noticed how he was slightly trembling and he didn’t have to think that hard to find out the reason behind his relapse. He let the boy keep holding onto him as he now caressed his hair softly.

“It’s okay. I’m here now. Don’t worry.”

“Pai…” voiced the younger man almost in a whisper. 

“Yes, my dear? What’s wrong? Could you tell me what happened?”

Sky nodded weakly and tried to pull himself together in order to actually tell him everything.

“I feel broken, used and dirty, Pai…I feel like I’m not worthy of being with you. I feel like you should get bored of me. I can’t satisfy you in any way.” 

Hearing Sky say such things always made him feel as if his heart was being poked by needles. He pressed him even closer and kept trying to soothe him while he began giving some comforting words.

“Sky, even though you were treated by that bastard as if you were a toy, you are no such thing and you are not broken, dirty or used,” reassured the man. “You are not worthless and be sure that I love you regardless of it and nothing could make me change my mind. You are perfect the way you are and I’m more than satisfied being with you. I could never get bored of you.”

Prapai kept combing and caressing his hair softly, leaving a kiss on his forehead from time to time too. 

“You deserve to be loved regardless of your past and I will make sure you are for the rest of my life.” 

The younger one became emotional again and tried to hold back his tears, but he couldn’t and some slowly rolled down his cheeks. 

“Will it ever get better? I feel like I just keep relapsing and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. It hurts so much.”

Prapai also could feel himself tearing up, just like when Sky first fully opened up to him about the abuse he suffered. Sky being in pain also made him suffer. It was painful seeing the one he loved the most still suffering, all thanks to that monster whom he wished he could have killed right then and there. 

“Healing isn’t a linear process. There might be many relapses in the way, but you are making progress for sure. You need to give it some time.”

Sky, like anyone who had gone through trauma, wanted it gone right away, but Prapai was right as much as he didn’t really like the truth. There would be more episodes like that one and it would take time, and on top of that he hadn’t been going to therapy for that long. 

“Don’t worry. I will never leave your side. You won’t go through it on your own.”

After several minutes, Sky had fully relaxed after a while and he was even beginning to feel how his eyelids were growing heavy. He had grown exhausted after both having to deal with the assignments he had finished earlier and then crying. 

Soon, he completely gave into the tiredness and fell asleep. Prapai smiled softly and fully laid down, not caring about the fact that he hadn’t changed his clothes and was still wearing the not-so-comfortable suit. He gave him more forehead kisses and pressed him against his chest.

“Rest well and don’t be afraid of anything. I’ve got you.” 

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