Chapter 2

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Months Later

Brows furrowed, my eyes flutter closed as I churn through the infinite pathways of my mind. Torchlight bouncing against the walls, little globs of fire lead me down to the well of my magic. My fingers reach greedily into the little pond, scooping up the most I can get from my puddle of power, before racing back into the endless hallways as I open my eyes, watching in delight as sparks fly all around me, racing over my fingertips. Delighted, I glance up at the Inferni Warrior who has been training me for the past few months. Her name is Vesta, and she's from the North. Her skin is dark, not olive like mine but a rich fiery dark that seems magical. Her sooty eyes narrow at the sparks in my hand. "Tyra, Is that really the best you could do?" My smile fades as I shrink back a little, letting the fire flicker out as I look up at Madam Vesta with wide eyes, "I tried, really, I did."

"You're getting weaker. What have I told you? Stop using it as a party trick. Stop using your magic so constantly, it drains your abilities."
Chewing my lip nervously, I ask, "Well how do I become more powerful?"
Shaking her head, she tuts, "I will not see you again. And you know the pond, the puddle, you collect your fire from right now?" I nod quickly. "You have the potential to be the most powerful Inferni Warrior of our time, but you don't just become it in an instant. Think of it like this. Right now, your power is a puddle, because you have not dug very far and can only access what's on the top. And since you haven't dug much at all, It takes longer for the puddle to replenish from only the little bits of water around it. If you dig further and further down, you'll gain access to more of the groundwater, your powers will replenish quicker, and the deeper you go the more you can unlock. So right now, you have a puddle of fire. You want a well. You need to dig until you cannot anymore, until you dig and dig but no more power comes."

"How... how do I do that?" The concept churns in my head, echoing throughout my mind before it finally sinks in.

"It could take years, Tyra, decades even. And the most important thing is you never stop digging, you never stop digging until it's done, otherwise if you try to dig again later you'll find the bottom is too deep under the fire you already have to be able to reach it. You can never stop digging, and never use a drop of your magic, until you are certain there is none left to be discovered."

With a shaking inhalation I breathe slowly, "You won't be able to teach me anymore?"
"Only theoretical things. I wish it wasn't this way, but with your potential, you need to start digging when you're younger or it will take up too much of your life later on."
"There isn't an easier way?"

"A warrior who trains knows how to control his power, a warrior who wakes up with power does not."

"Okay," I nod firmly, my mind set, "I'll start digging."

"Rik– Commander," I blush quickly at my mistake, "Have you seen Amory? I wanna say happy birthday but I can't find him anywhere. Did ya know he turns eighteen today? He's already late on his Fae ageing process slowing down, so I reckon it starts today. Or sometime this year, at least," I grin. The Commander frowns a little, concern washing over him, but it vanishes quickly as he laughs, "Why don't you hang out with good old Riker today, eh? Teach me something for a change?"

Giggling happily I sigh, "But you're the Commander, you teach me something!"
"Oh! How about the Sword Dancer– No, I really shouldn't. I've said too much already," He turns with a teasing sniff, acting surprised when I tackle the old Commander to the floor. "Show me, show me, show me," I beg with pleading eyes, my laugh ringing throughout the fields as he finally relents.

"Okay well..."

Almost three hours later, I nearly collapse in exhaustion, drifting sleepily off under my tree before letting Riker haul me into the palace, to my chambers. Enveloped in towers of comfy sheets and pillows, I quickly pass out in the cloud of blankets.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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