Notes: What do you think?

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This is my second ever Wattpad story and my first ever fanfic. I have always been scared to publish my writing and this feels like a good way to start. I would really appreciate any and all feedback as well as ideas about what else to include.

I love Good Omens, both the book and the show, and I feel like Muriel is an amazing and underrated character. They are such an adorable and oblivious angel.
I made Muriel non binary but kept most of the other characters their cannon/perceived gender or made them the gender I think suits them the best. Crowley and Aziraphale are male presenting and have lived on Earth for a long time. Most of that time was spent with old fashioned humans with their old fashioned views about gender. Muriel was separated from all that, and probably doesn't feel the need for a gender.

I am stuck on whether I should do everything in chronological order or skip some stuff. Also, if I do skip, what should I write about next?
Some ideas are the Garden of Eden, Noah's Arc, or that whole situation with Job. I could even skip all the way to Season 2 where Muriel is actually in the story.

Thank you so much for reading my story!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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