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Place: Saudi Arabia, Time: the mid-2020s

Syed Ahmad Ali Mansoor was a rich oil industrialist. The oil made in his industry was transported to many countries around the world, mostly those around South Africa & South Asia. He was a multi-millionaire.

Some people say, that even the richest of people are not content with all their wealth. One such man was Mr. Ahmad Mansoor, the same oil industrialist we talked about right now. People knew he was mad for money, but they really didn't know what the man actually desired and how far he could really go.

Mr. Ahmad Mansoor originated from a very middle-class family. This big oil empire which he had built, had caused many people to get inspired from him and join his industry as laborers.He was popular among people all around the world. Everyone revered him like a film star. Some crazy fans, including some of his workers, would ask him for an autograph and he would readily sign it. But as I had said, there were some people who actually disliked the man, and we will come to know why...

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