Chapter 1

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Present time: 1:03PM
Tuesday afternoon.
(During season 8)

Kai groaned as he waited for the others to get here.

"Ugh. What's taking them so long?"

"Hello Kai."

"Agh! You scared me." Kai jumped from his seat and looked to see who just walked into the room.

"My apologies Kai"

"Oh it's just you zane. Sorry for getting all jumpy like that." Kai chuckled awkwardly.

"It's alright. Where are the others?" Zane asked while pulling himself a chair from the corner

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Kai groaned

Just as Kai said that two boys rushed through the door, having the door hit the wall making a very loud SLAM!

"Sorry were late!" The brunette boy yelled.

"It's fine. Just waiting on my sister now." Kai said nonchalantly.

After a little while later Nya finally made it and they finally started to discuss the topic.

"So why did you call us here anyway?" Cole asked.

"Yea. You said it was urgent" Nya added.

"Well I called you all here because there seems to be an increase in crimes lately.." Kai says.

"Is that all..?" The black haired boy asked?

"Well no.! It's just that.. it seems as if there's some kind of cult going on." Kai said with a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"Where did you get that idea from?" Nya asked feeling just as confused as the others.

"Well.. every crime that's been happening has been done by different people."

"Uh huh.." Nya said trying to understand.

"And those different people are all wearing the same shirts.. but it's not just that. The shirts have garmadon on them.."

Everyone was shocked at the mention of Garmadon since they haven't heard about garmadon in years since he had sacrificed himself awhile back.

"But that doesn't make any sense. What would these people want with garmadon?" Cole asked.

"I don't think they want anything garmadon.. but they do associate themself with garmadon."

"I did some research on it and they call themselves the sons of garmadon" Kai says.

"Hey.. isn't that, that one biker gang that was popular awhile back but then news from them died down..?" Nya asked.

"Wait what?" Kai whipped his head around to look at Nya.

"Yeah. It was a little popular around and then after that it wasn't heard from again. Well until now I guess" Nya explained.

"Well this doesn't seem like much to worry about. I'm sure the police could deal with this." Cole says.

"I'm not finished. Anyways a little while ago they stole some mask"-

"Not some mask. The Oni mask. There are only three in existence" A mysterious figure walked into the room.

"Wait. How can there be three masks when you just said it's the only mask?" Jay asked

"Not only, jay. Oni." Nya corrected

"The Oni are Said to be all powerful beings. Demons that predate ninjago." Zane says

"Each mask embodies one of the three Oni warlords. If all three mask are United, whomever owns them will wield tremendous power." The man explained.

"Ninja. This is Mr Hutchins, Master of arms and counsel to the royal family. I've asked him to come here." Kai says.

"The royal family?" Cole asks sounding a bit shocked.

"Apologies if you aren't familiar. They honor there privacy, As they do the safety of ninjago." Hutchin explains.

"Let me guess. They have an Oni mask too?" Cole asks.

"Now there's two?"-

Before jay could finish Nya slapped her hand infront of jays mouth preventing him from being able to say anything else.

"The emporer will be delivering a public speech tomorrow. And I'm worried the sons of garmadon may try and steal the mask.. We could use your assistance." Hutchins says.

"Just tell us where and when and we'll be there." Kai says.

(That took forever 😭, Man I forgot how much I suck at writing. admirer you writers who can write 1000 words or more. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll try and update as frequently as I can)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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