𝟓, 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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Emma stood next to connor as the two waited for Mark to be done talking to the press after their win against the Raiders which surprised Emma because the Pats had lost their last two games, and she could tell that Connor and Mark both beat themselves up over it.

Since the area by the locker rooms were packed Connor and Emma waited outside and were quite cold but it was better than to be in a cramped space with a bunch of talking in all directions.

"Good job today" Emma congratulated him as he smiled a bit, "thanks" he replied and glanced down to her "Hows ballet?" Connor asked after what emma had recently vented to him over text, "still really tiring but im used to it now i guess" she looked up to him as he gave her a look.

"Emma dont spread yourself so thin, and shut everyone out. Mark told me how your ignoring him" he explained as she bit her bottom lip glancing up at him, the eye contact between the two held as Emma felt hot tears spring into her eyes. She hated crying infront of anyone and showing vulnerability but she couldn't hold it in anymore, she had hit her breaking point and just let it out.

Connors first instinct was to pull her into a warm embrace and he heard her sniffles being muffled against his chest. "Your mental health comes first emma" he reminded and rubbed her back. "I know" She mumbled into his chest. She squeezed his body tighter scared to let go of the comfort he provided. His heart hurt for the poor girl, Connor wrapped him arms around the red head assuring her he wouldn't let go of her.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes until Emma let go and wiped her warm tears that cascaded down her cold cheeks. "Thanks Connor i really needed that" she thanked him as he nodded his head and wiped a stray tear on her cheek. Her heart skipped a beat as he looked into her hazel eyes, and Connors heart did the same action.

"Your welcome em, if you need me im here okay?" Connor smiled a bit as Emma nodded and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her jacket. She was so thankful that she didn't wear mascara and only curled her lashes or it would have been ugly.

Mark walked out shortly after as he smiled a bit, "sorry that took so long" he laughed a bit as Emma tried her best to put a smile on her face, "its okay dont worry about it" Connor smiled a bit as Mark glanced to his sisters red nose and slightly puffy eyes, and assumed she was crying before he came out.

He wasn't going to jump to conclusions though and let it go, the two followed mark to his car. Emma sat in the back seat quiet and not talking. Not even making fun of Marks messy car, thats how he knew something for sure was wrong.

He let out a sigh and drove out of the arena and occasionally glanced in the review mirror to get a glimpse of his abnormally down little sister.

This made me really need a hug ☹️ anywyays i hope you guys like this book dont forget to vote and comment!! Love u guys 🫶🏻

word count: 572

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