7 - Katsuki and Haruna

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The next morning was a Saturday. Luckily for everyone, it meant the day off. But as soon as Rekka was fully awake and had food in her stomach... She was on a mission.

"Shozaki..." Everyone looked at Rekka, who had a determined look on her face. "I'd like to meet your mother..."

"Huh?" Haruna was in a slightly better mood today. "But wh-"

"I can't explain it..." Rekka said, sternly. "I just have this overwhelming urge to see her."

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

"Shozaki..." Everyone looked at Jace. "As a parent, I worried from the moment I adopted Rekka and Kazu. I worried if they would be able to live a normal life considering who they are." He smiled at Haruna and Katsuki. "I worried that they wouldn't make the wonderful friends they have now." This caused Katsuki and Haruna to blush. "I may not be their biological father... But I feel parents want to know that their children are meeting people they can grow close to. That they can lean on in hard times. That alone... Causes a parent to be at ease because they know their children aren't alone."

Haruna realized what Jace was getting at. He was saying that her mother would want to know that Haruna had friends that she could rely on in case...

"I don't know how she'll feel about having so many people see her like this..." Haruna said, her head lowered. "She's a very proud person. She went to great lengths to hide any form of weakness from everyone. Having so many people see her in such a vulnerable state..."

"I don't think that'll matter..." Jace said, quickly. "I may not know your mother personally. But I think she would want to meet her daughter's close friends. Especially now."

Haruna thought for a moment... Rekka approached and rested her hand on Haruna's shoulder.

"I'd really like to meet her... Please?"

Haruna was no match for Rekka's begging face. With some reluctance, Haruna agreed. Because she was worried that Souske would be there, Haruna sheepishly asked if Jace would also come. He agreed without hesitation.

"Your parents can meet us there, too. If you want?" Haruna said to Katsuki.

"I think they would like that." Katsuki nodded. "Dad will most likely want to apologize to you. And Mom I'm sure wants to see your Mom."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys... I was worried about what Souske would do." The fact that Haruna was referring to her stepfather with his first name really irked Katsuki. Mainly because she saw it as Souske either never tried to be a parent or he was so deplorable that Haruna was able to drop him as her father so soon.

"It's alright, Haru-chan..." Katsuki rested her hand on Haruna's shoulder. "You had your reasons and they were justified. But now that we do know, I'm positive my parents are going to want to support you wholly. Just like I do."

Haruna took a breath to calm down... "I usually go in the mornings on my days off... She should be expecting me soon..."

"Then let's go!" Rekka stood up straight and offered her hand to Haruna. Haruna stood, and after making sure everyone was fed, everyone left the apartment building and made their way to the hospital.

Initially, they walked in silence. So Katsuki took a moment to be slightly goofy.

"What did you think of the book last night, Kazuyuki?"

"It was entertaining... Especially when the spy swung on the jerk making fun of a colleague." Kazuyuki said, with a hint of a laugh.

"You two looked kinda cute last night, though!" Rekka said, slyly.

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