2 - Katsuki and Haruna

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Katsuki was awakened by the sound of her alarm music. She hated the sound of the classic buzzing sound she used to have. It always puts her in a bad mood. But when she got her new smartphone, she was able to use Spotify as her alarm. So she made a new playlist full of relaxing music exclusively for the mornings.

Katsuki sat up and stretched, not being able to stop a long grunt as she did. Today was Katsuki's first day at Fujisawa High School. She had done really well in her entrance exams and was looking forward to taking the advanced classes, so she could get a leg up in her eventual college career. She was looking forward to it so much that she had trouble sleeping the night before. Katsuki tried hard to go to sleep. Even took some sleeping medications after a certain point. But even that wasn't enough.

"Uh..." Katsuki groaned and rolled off her bed. "I wish I at least got caught up in my book if I wasn't going to be able to sleep..."

Katsuki did her normal morning routine. She was up early so she could take a quick soak to wake up and relax. After that, she got dressed in her new summer uniform (A white short-sleeved button-up dress shirt, a black long-sleeved dress coat, a black knee-length skirt, and a thin red bow tie). She also added black leggings.

"Katsuki!" A cheerful voice called out. "Come get your breakfast!"

"Coming!" Katsuki's soft voice called out to her mother. The last thing Katsuki did was manage her bedhead. Even though she kept it tied back when she slept, her long hair still managed to get untied. It's always fairly unkempt in the morning. She took a moment to gently brush it back straight. Then she tied a layer of the side of her hair back into a small ponytail. After ensuring her hair was to her liking, Katsuki grabbed her packed bag and made her way down the stairs of her house. The stairs led into a hallway. To the left, around a corner, led to the living room and kitchen. To the right was the main entryway.

As soon as Katsuki walked into the room, her mother looked up. She basically looked like an older version of Katsuki. The main difference is that her hair is medium length instead of almost lower back length like Katsuki's. Her mother's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh! You look so adorable! Your father is gonna swoon."

"Mom, that's weird!" Katsuki blushed, making her way to the table behind the couch.

"It might be. But you look so much like I did in high school!" Katsuki's mother said, longingly. "It's like I went back in time and looked into a mirror!"

"Ah!" Katsuki groaned and rested her head on her hand. "Geez..." Unfortunately, Katsuki was trying to shake off her slightly bad morning mood.

"Are you alright, dear?" Katsuki's mother asked.

"Yeah..." Katsuki yawned. "I guess I was just anxious last night. I didn't sleep well."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Katsuki's mother quickly approached with a warm cup of tea and a small plate of omurice. "Here, this should perk you up a bit!"

Katsuki smiled. Written on the top of the omurice was 'Good Luck' in ketchup. Something her mother does for her on important days. It always made Katsuki feel warm. "Thanks, Mom."

"Eat up!" Katsuki's mom also served Miyu, Katsuki's younger sister. She would be starting middle school today.

"Aw, Miyu!" Katsuki noticed her sister's uniform for the first time. "You look so cute!"

"Thanks, sissy!" Katsuki and Miyu were really close. Katsuki often played with Miyu after school growing up. But Katsuki secretly hoped that Miyu would make some friends soon, so she had more kids her age to play with. Soon, Miyu might get to the phase where hanging out with her sibling is 'uncool'. But for now, Katsuki enjoyed the love.

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