A lost girl

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It was over and everyone was going home. Many portals were open to help people get from the Sol dimension. However even though Shadow was hella drunk he offered to Chaos Control Amy and Sonic home. Have he been sober he would want to get as far away from them as possible. But as we all know he wasn't, so he offered to take the equally drunk Sonic and Amy home not wanting to leave them. Rouge was going to stay with Knuckles for the night and Omega could get home on his own so Shadow was free to go. But since he was drunk he had a little bit of trouble nailing the location and they ended up in a forest. They weren't sure where they were and how to get home. Amy suddenly felt a little funny and she ran off to throw up leaving Shadow and Sonic alone. Shadow leaned closer to his rival and said: „So, Sonic, did I tell you and Amy that you both look enchanting tonight." He smiled. Sonic leaned in too, making their noses touched. „Noooo... but you look very handsome too." They got even closer their mouth just millimetres apart but then they heard a scream, Amy's scream: „Sonic, Shadow!!! Come here!!!"

They pulled apart her voice somewhat bringing them out of their drunk stupor and ran to her. She was standing in front of a tree looking surprised and horrified at the same time. When the boys reached her they understood why. There on the ground laid a human girl. She was covered in something red. Blood. She was bleeding and had many injuries all over her body. Her dress which was once white was becoming red right in front of them. Her hair was all messed up, full of leaves and sticks. She was also shivering. Amy kneeled down and checked her pulse. Then she took a mirror out of nowhere (AKA: the pocket dimension she keeps her hummer in) and put it in front of the girl's mouth. It got foggy. „Well, she's alive. She's got pulse, she's breathing." Amy said.

„Say, guys... we can't leave her here. So what do we do... with... her." Sonic said the alcohol effecting his speech.

„Wait up... I'll call for help." Shadow pulled out his GUN communicator and called someone. „Hello, Topaz. We need help." he said when the person picked up. „Well, Sonic, Amy Rose and I are... somewhere... and we found this... this human... girl. She's hurt." Topaz told him to say no more, she'll track Shadow down thanks to the com and help them. And soon a helicopter appeared above them and down from it came several agents who took Sonic, Amy and Shadow on board and medics who looked at the girl. The trio didn't know exactly, what happened next as they started to fall asleep. The last think they recalled was the copter starting up.

Shadow slowly opened his eyes to the light shining above him. His head hurt. Where even was he? Looking around he saw Sonic and Amy still in their party clothes sleeping on the floor next to him. They were covered in blankets and so was Shadow. He tried to remember what happened the day before. Sonic and Amy woke up soon after. They were in a flat that only Shadow recognized and his memories started to come back to him. This was Topaz's place. She invited Team Dark a few times to come over and even if Shadow didn't want to go, his partner would drag him here anyway. He noticed a small paper on the table. He picked it up and started to read:

"Shadow, don't know if you Sonic and Amy remember what happened last night so I'll give you a little rundown. Rouge told me you were invited to your friends' wedding and you three obviously got drunk there. You called me late into the night that you were somewhere in a forest with Sonic and Amy and that you found this human girl, hurt and unconscious. GUN and I arrived at the scene, taking the... strange girl into a hospital (address is on the back of the letter) and I brought you three to my place to get sober. I have some yogurt and juice in the fridge that you can take. The hospital will contact me personally but also called the phone at my place when she wakes up. Topaz"

„Strange?" Sonic said puzzled, „I think I remember her being covered in blood, but how was she strange?"

„I don't know. We should check up on her as soon as she wakes up." Amy said. They went to the fridge to get breakfast and also tried some of Amy's homemade hangover remedies. None of them really spoke. Shadow tried to recall what happened the night before and an image of him and Sonic came to mind. Did they... did they... kiss? He was blushing and as he looked at Sonic he saw he was blushing too. He turned his head to Shadow and their eyes met before they turned away in a matter of seconds. „What is going on, boys?" Amy asked.

„Well, Amy, it's a little blurry but I think Shadow and I... kissed." Sonic said his finger on his chin as he tried to recall it more clearly. He did not hesitate however and didn't look displeased by it either. And what Amy did was even more unexpected. She was wide-eyed at first but then she put on a huge smile, leaped on the two boys and knocked them to the ground with a huge hug. „Oh, Sonic, babe, that's great!!!" What? Was Amy happy Shadow KISSED HER BOYFRIEND?

The black hedgehog didn't have time to ask what was going on however as the flat's phone started ringing. Amy picked it up. „Hallo?... Yes, this is Amy Rose the hedgehog. And Sonic and Shadow are here too... We'll be there right away. Thank you... Bye." She put down the phone and turned to the „The hospital called, she woke up."

„Then what are we waiting for? Shads, teleport us there."

„Uh, shouldn't we change?"

„Into what? We don't have any clothes here. These are a little dirty, sure, but they'll have to do." Sonic said. Shadow had to agree with Sonic. There were clothes but obviously none of them were their size. Amy tied the ribbon from her hair at her waist level to lift her dress off the ground a little bit. Sonic and Shadow kept their suits on (with no pants of course). Shadow then pulled out his Chaos Emerald and teleported the trio to the hospital.

Topaz arrived soon after explaining that she was allowed to leave work when she got the call about the girl as she and GUN were interested in her. The hedgehogs still didn't understand why. A doctor was explaining her state to them as he led them to her room. „She recovered extremely quickly after we gave her a blood transfusion. But her skin was still blue."

„BLUE?" the hedgehogs said.

„Yes, haven't you noticed she has blue skin when you found her?" doctor asked.

„It was kinda dark there." Sonic said, „And we've been to our friends' wedding before that so we were a little drunk." Shadow glared at him, his eyes telling the blue blur to stop spitting out such embarrassing stories.

„I see... We tested her for every substance possible that could have caused her skin to turn blue and we came up empty. The stranger thing is, last time someone checked on her, her skin was normal. I don't know how to explain it." They stopped in front of the door to her room. „Be careful, she is a little jumpy." The doctor opened the door. The girl, who was in bed straighten up when she saw them walk in. Her eyes were wide when she saw the three hedgehogs. They looked at her. She was a girl a little taller than them probably, her skin had light brown colour to it. Her hair was brown with red tips and her eyes were blue. Sonic walked up to her and stretched out his hand. „Hi, I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. What's your name?" The girl avoided eye contact and hid her face in her hands. „Hey, it's ok." Sonic placed a hand on her shoulder, „You're save, nobody's gonna hurt you." She looked at him and he gave her a smile. Shadow and Amy walked over. „Those are my friends."

„I'm Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog."

„And I am Amy Rose. We found you last night in the woods. What happened?" The girl was eyeing them, scared and teary-eyed. She reached out and to the surprise of all she put her hand first on Sonic's chest and then on Shadow's. She didn't put it on Amy's but she gave her a small smile. She put her hands together. They glowed with purple aura and when she opened them they contained a small purple necklace with a camera installed into it.

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