Ch-17 away

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Haerin exited the airport, feeling a weird sensation in her stomach. Something isn't right.

she went into her vehicle, trying not to bring the attention to herslef. She turned the engine on, exiting the parking lot and into the street.


"yes boss, we've already plced it under her car." a man dressed in all black said, sitting in the car that was right beside Haerin's, his voice rough and emotionless.

"we will go after her in another day, yes she's ready. I have mentioned the amount to her and she's considering it. Trust me, she's the best to do this job. I'll discuss the details later." the man hung up the phone, glaring at the path the young woman have taken a while ago with her car.


Hanni woke up with a killing headache in her head trying to remember last night, but then she looked around the room, her hand still holding her head as she realized- this isn't her room.

she tried walking towards the door but her legs felt wobbly and she became lightheaded right away. But she finally remembered last night, how Minji's lips felt on top of hers and how drunk she was, and that she probably passed out while making out with her wich makes it even more embarrassing. This is... Minji's room.

Hanni flinched when she heard knocking on the door of the room, her head turning to the source of the sound. "Hanni, are you awake?" she said as she entered through the door, her eyes wandering around the room for the smaller girl.

"oh, there you are! come on, I made breakfast." she said with a smile, exiting the room as fast as she came in, her footsteps becoming shallow as she walked away from the room, does she not remember anything?

she stared into The wall blankly, the confused look painted on her face still not gone away. Did she drink too much that she didn't renember any more? or was all that she did last night wasn't that important of a thing for her? she herself didn't know.

"Hanni?" a loud voice came fron the other room, making her break out of her daze.

"I'm coming." she replied back.


"and did you see the way she acted? she's definitely trying to pretend. He even has a wife. She's such an attention seeking who-"Minji said, talking about how that one friend left them yesterday for a man. Her speech being cut off by the girl sitting right in front of her.

"she's our friend, Minji. I mean... she is in fact an attention seeking whore, but you have to remember that she's always been kind with you and she never let us down..." that made Minji shoot her an 'are you serious glance' "okay, maybe sometimes." Hanni said with a sigh as she got up with her plate, giving up on the argument.

"want me to wash the dishes?" Hanni said.

"no, it's fine." she replied, getting up from her chair to walk over to the sink.

"oh and by the way, do you happen to remember what happened last night?" Hanni knows what happened, she just needs her to confess.

and the sudden question made the other girl tense up a bit, but she managed to play it off "not much after we've gone home." she replied, trying to keep her cool, she knew, but Hanni wouldn't need to know that.


"yeah, we just landed. And I miss you already." Danielle said through the phone with a smile on her face, the enthusiasm in her voice apparent.

"have a great time there, and don't forget to be careful." Haerin replied with a smile leaning onto the wall in the entrance of her home.

"yeah don't worry about me, I'm more worried about you."

"and why would you be?" she said as she chuckled.

"I mean, who would you spend your evenings watching late night movies with?" she asked playfully.

"I have many friends you know, other than Hanni and Minji of course, you just haven't met them."

"I'd doubt that, you spend most of your time laying on your bed staring into your phone, I don't even think any of the st-"

"okay okay, I get the point." she said, irritated."I love you okay? take good care of yourself." she smiled once more, how could she not miss her presence?

"I love you too, and take care of yourself as well okay? I don't want you calling me at 3am because you're scared."

she laughed, "I won't." but she can see Danielle's face right through the screen. "but I also won't promise you." she added.

"yeah whatever, bye love."

she hummed lowly "goodbye to you too, don't forget to miss me." she said as she waited for a response but all that she got was a snicker from the other girl, almost making fun of her, why does she have to be so cute?

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