2.17 - ur the worst

Start from the beginning

"Could I just... talk with Bakugou-san – Alone, for a bit, please."

Bakugo whipped his head to the annoyingly familiar voice. Fuck, another thing that irritates him for being so fucking confusing. Stupid fucking Bug Face, Pesty Bitch, Buggy Bitch, Bug Eyes, Insect – oh, wow, he never realized just how many derogatory nicknames he had for you. But you fucking deserve it. You don't deserve to be called by your name because he shouldn't care enough to remember it.

So why does he? Why does he perk up in interest and strain his ears whenever he hears [last name], or [first name], or [nickname] uttered? The fact that he listened in when people talked about you made him recoil in disgust.

He told himself he was just keeping track of the enemy, but are you even strong enough to be his enemy? You're a stupid girl that he can squash like a bug, like at the Sports Fest. You're nothing but canon fodder to him, a stepping stone to become number one. So why... Why does your ugly face keep popping up everywhere? He can't even find solace in his favorite class: Heroics. Why do you join their lessons? Why does he look for you when you're not there? Why do you go to UA? Why do you eat lunch near him? Why do your eyes look so shiny when you look at him? Why does your hair look like that? Why are you taller than him? And why the fuck are you faster than him?

It pissed him off. It really did.

He'd seen the clips from your internship – who the hell hasn't? He knew damn well Shitty Hair has watched it at least a dozen times while spouting about how manly you were. How the fuck could you carry four grown ass adults and a whole child in your arms? That's at least 250 kilos. At least. How could you carry all that weight while flying when he couldn't even carry that while grounded? Why can you carry more weight than him?

He had so many fucking questions about you because you're just that confusing, and he despises things that confuse him. Why do you insist he knows you? Why do you keep mentioning him putting you in a coma? He's never fucking done that! The most he's done is knock someone out. He met you this year, when you said you'd beat him before the Sports Festival. You called him Kacchan that day, which made him cringe. That stupid nerd was spreading it around. He's never fucking met you before that.

But can he really be sure?

Bakugou has a pretty bad memory selectively, considering he doesn't care to remember things if he doesn't have to.

So maybe he has met you in the past.

His red eyes followed the group of people leaving and then he glared at you.

"Bakugou-san," you said, staring blankly at him. His scratched up skin seemed to glow from the orange sun setting outside of the window. He had a nice face and you cursed his parents for it. Your eyes settled on his dry lips. You licked your own lips, hoping they didn't look as dry as his. You didn't wanna look at his eyes, especially as they were glaring at you.

"You failed, didn't you? I knew you would, Pesty Bitch," his upper lip curled in a seemingly satisfied sneer. He was unconscious during your entire Practical, but he just assumed you lost because there's just no way.

You ignored his comment.

"Bakugou-san," you repeated softly. You're scared to talk about it. You're really scared actually. How will he react? What if he just... denies it? Or what if he just blows up? What if he hits you again and puts you into another coma, one that'll last so long, you'll be paralyzed from stiff joints? No, that's just a stupid, implausible thought – why did you even think of that? Your poor heart, whose rate had spiked so many times today, thrummed fervently against your ribcage. Your hands were clammy as well.

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