What's going on? (1)

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The star walked and walked until she stumbled upon a town and immediately ran towards it knowing what she wants. But right before she ran out of the ally she came in she saw the people and stopped.

Where are the things on their heads and backs? She thought as she touched the horns on her head. Wasn't I human? I thought my wish came true?

Whatever the case, she chose to stay hidden with the notice the difference between her and them.

With that in a raggedy dress she has she stumbled through the back alleyways (being new to walking and all) and eventually tripped her way to a closed store with it being late shown through darkness she could no longer illuminate.

In that store she had found a beautiful deep blue cloak. Not knowing the way of humans and trade she just took it and put in on over her short horns.


"Huh!?" She muttered confused as a light that was shown right on the back of her figure.

She turned to face a man sprinting towards her for, what she thought to be, "no reason".

Scared and confused the human star bolted out the way she came back through the alleys and into the street, which was thankfully empty.

As she heaved, not used to running, she sat down. With this previously unknown feeling of tired washed over her. Her eyelids heavy wanting to close and drift off into nothingness. As she slowly drifted off into the unknown sense of sleep she mumbled "wait, there's still so much more to do..." to confused herself as her eyes closed for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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