9- Late Night 'Study Session'

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|🩷-30th July 2016-🩷|

|-Peter's POV-|

"-And don't forget about the quiz on Thursday about the Russian revolution. After that we'll be starting learning about World War 2, so check the recommended reading list if you want some extra info on the topic."

The bell started to ring. The teacher sent us away to lunch. As I walked down to the cafeteria, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Hi, Peter-- so, you know the quiz, on Thursday?"


"Well, my house is ready and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and study? My mom told me she saw you, on Friday? She said you seemed like a good kid."

"Yeah, she was really nice. I'd love to come."

She smiled. "Great, I'll, uh..." She pulled a pen out of her back pocket and grabbed my wrist. She rolled up the sleeve of my shirt and scribbled her address on my arm.

"Right, yeah, thanks."

"Cool. I gotta go, talk to Mr Harrison." She pointed in the opposite direction to the cafeteria. "See you at 5:00, maybe?"

"Can't wait."

She gave a cute little breathless giggle before skipping down the hallway.

Of course, I pretty much did the same thing.

Of course, I pretty much did the same thing

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I knocked firmly on the front door. I looked up and saw the window I entered in after Y/n almost got hurt.

Whose room would that be now? She told me that all the arrangements had been temporary. Maybe Freddie? Or Georgia?

Y/n told me tons of stories about them.

Freddie was protective, and didn't like it when they spent too much time apart. He was a gamer and he played bass.

Georgia was chatty, and apparently really liked irritating her sister. She played a lot of sport and liked to cause trouble.

Mariah was an angel, and she was the sweetest kid you'd ever meet. She mostly spoke French and had just joined a ballet class.

The person who answered the door was none I'd seen before. He was average height, with pale skin and ginger hair. He was dressed in a multicoloured Hawaiian shirt and brown slacks.

"Oh hey! You're that kid from Y/n's phone! She said you were coming over."

I chuckled nervously. This must be her Dad.

"Yeah, I'm Peter." I held out my hand, which he shook firmly.

"I'm Y/n's dad. Call me Charles."

"Da-ad! Who's at the door?" An unfamiliar female voice called out.

Bug Boy |🩷-Peter Parker x Reader-🩷|Where stories live. Discover now