1- Our Story Begins...

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|🩷-14th July 2016-🩷|

|-Peter's POV-|

Why did I have to stay out so late?

I swung sluggishly back to my apartment. Stupid criminals, making me go fight them instead of doing my homework.

"I'll do it on the bus..." I muttered, putting my suit in it's hiding place and climbing in bed.

Less than two seconds later, May burst in, blaring dance music on her phone.

"Peter! Wake up!"

She tore the covers off my bed.

"Ack! Five minutes, May, please!"

She paused the cacophony of airhorns currently playing.

"Peter, it's 7. If you're not ready soon, you'll miss the subway."

I groaned. "Okay, I'm getting up." I stretched.

"Peter, what the hell happened to you?"

"What?" I asked, eyes half close.

"This! Those 'bruises', everywhere! Last week, you made me skip a kissing scene, now you're having sex?"

"Oh my god, I am not having sex!"

"Peter, don't lie to me-"

"It's just, skateboarding, May. I promise, I'm not having sex."

"Okay... you are allowed, you know? Just... when you're older-"

"May, I'm gonna be late, can I get dressed?"

"Right. Love you Peter."

"Love you May. Jeez..." I muttered.

I put on a white t-shirt, jeans and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. I quickly combed my hair and grabbed my third backpack.

Note to self:
Leaving backpacks in alleys is a very bad idea.

As I ran into the kitchen, I put on another jacket and my shoes. May gave me a piece of toast.

"Thanks May! Love you!"

"Oh! Do you have anything after school?"

"Uhh, yeah. Thursday, Robotics Lab."

"Okay, just don't be late, I'm making that dumpling recipe you wanted to try."

"Bet, see you later!"

"See you later, stay safe, try hard, I love you-"

I closed the door before she finished. I checked my cracked phone.

I am going to be very late.

I slid down the banister instead of waiting for the elevator. I just had to pray nobody saw me.

I grabbed my board and raced down the streets. I jumped straight over the turnstile and slid through the closing doors.

I rested my back on the window.


I decided to quickly send a message to Happy.

'Hi Mr Happy'
'School ends at 2:30'
'Ready for my next mission 😁'
'It's Peter btw'
'The spider guy? 🕷'

I sighed, looking at the hundreds of messages I'd sent him.

The train pulled to a halt and I skipped out of it and towards my school.

Bug Boy |🩷-Peter Parker x Reader-🩷|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon