More horrible Children

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-4 Sweeps later-

"Grrr..." TarTiger woke up to the annoying sound of an alarm."Good morning!" Springy hugged him."Let go! I'm not a little cub anymore!" TarTiger hissed."Don't worry Springy...He's in his teenage years." Tony sighed."I don't need this crummy,Flakey Family!" TarTiger jumped out of the window of Springy and Tony's shared mansion.Good thing cats always land on their feet because TarTiger fell from 3 stories and only got a few bruises."Ack!" TarTiger removed a twig from his paw."TarTiger! You're here!" TarTiger's obviously nerdy friend walked up to him"What do you want?" "Well...The more important question is why are out here? Are you sneaky out to meet with me?" "No...I wouldn't even Meet up with you if I was forced to." TarTiger growled.The sounds of aquatic dog barking rang in the weird grasslands."BaWOoF!" The dog jumped onto the Nerdy Nerd."This is Fishy Mc-Fish face! My new dog I got for selling 2,000,000 boxes of Lucky charms." "Yeah liked that happened...Lucky-Fruit loops." "Hey!! It so totally happened!" Lucky-Fruit loops Grumbles."If that actually happened then today would be the day my parents would let me be a model." TarTiger laughed.

" TarTiger laughed

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-In the Mansion- 

"OMG! Our son jumped out the window!" Springy freaked out."Is he ok?! Is he DEAD?!?" "Don't worry my springy Spring dear...I'm a cat...He's part cat so he's totally ok!" Tony dug through a bath filled with Frosted Flakes." "So you're just going to not do anything about our missing son?!" Springy snarled."The mansion door is unlocked..He's probably sneaking out or something but he'll find his way back home."Tony grabs a flake of Frosted Flakes and eats it."I hope he's ok.." Springy looks away at the broken window.

Tony the Tiger x Springy (Part TeoOoWhere stories live. Discover now